
In: Computer Science

In the space provided below write a C ++ program that computes the total amount of...

In the space provided below write a C ++ program that computes the total amount of money you are depositing in your bank account. Your program does this by asking you to first enter the number and amount of each check you are depositing, and then it asks you to enter the type of cash bills being deposited and how many of each type, also the types of coins being deposited, and the number of each coin type.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
//variable declaration
int numChecks;
float amount, totalAmount=0;
//input the number of checks
cout << "Enter the number of checks:";
//get the amount of each of the check
for(int i=0; i<numChecks; i++)
cout<<"Enter the amount of check "<<(i+1)<<": ";
totalAmount = totalAmount + amount;
//display the total amount
cout<<endl<<"The total amount you are depositing: "<<totalAmount;
return 0;


Enter the number of checks:4
Enter the amount of check 1: 1500
Enter the amount of check 2: 2000
Enter the amount of check 3: 2000
Enter the amount of check 4: 1500

The total amount you are depositing: 7000


check out the solution.



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
// variables declaration
int chk_number, amt, chk_amount, bills, coins, n, amount;
char choice;
// initialize variables
chk_amount = 0;
amount = 0;
// infinite loop till user enter 'n' or 'N'
do {
// prompt to user
cout << "\nEnter number and amount of check : ";
// read number and amount
cin >> chk_number >> amt;
// sum up all check amounts
chk_amount = chk_amount + amt;
// infinite loop till user no longer want to enter cash bills
while(true) {
// assuming 1000 , 100, 50 and 10 bills
cout << "\nEnter the type of cash bills (1000/100/50/10) and 0 to stop : ";
cin >> bills; // read bills
// if bills is not 0 then proceed further else break from the while loop
if(bills != 0) {
// enter the number of each type
cout << "Enter the number of that cash type : ";
cin >> n;
// sum up every amount
amount = amount + (bills * n);
} // while ends
// infinite loop till user no longer want to enter coins
while(true) {
// assuming 1, 2 and 5 coins
cout << "\nEnter the type of coins (1/2/5) and 0 to stop : ";
cin >> coins; // read coins
// if coins is not 0 then proceed further else break from the while loop
if(coins != 0) {
// enter the number of each type
cout << "Enter the number of that coin type : ";
cin >> n;
// sum up everything
amount = amount + (coins * n);
} // while ends
// ask user whether he has another check to deposit
cout << "\nDo you have another check to deposit (y/n) ? : ";
cin >> choice;
}while(choice != 'n' && choice != 'N');
// validate if all check amounts tally with entered cash bills and coins
// if valid then print the amount
if (chk_amount == amount) {
cout << "\n\nTotal check amount == the amount of all cash bills and coins - Valid";
cout << "\nTotal amount of money depositing is : " << amount << " units";
cout << "\nTotal check amount != the amount of all cash bills and coins - Invalid";
} // program ends




1. input with 1 check deposit


2. input with 2 checks deposit.


i hope it helps..

If you have any doubts please comment and please don't dislike.


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