What are the external opportunity and threats of Nestle?
What are the external opportunity and threats of Nestle?
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Increased mobility and car ownership increase demand for candy,
bottled water and snack foods in nations like china.
Changes in lifestyle,such as longer working hours, more women
in the workforce, and more single person households, increase the
demand for prepackaged foods.
Growing middle classes in nations such as China and India
create larger and broader markets for Nestle’s products.
Increased interest in health and nutrition could increase
demand for some Nestle products, such as energy drinks.
Increased disposable income in countries like China could
increase the demand for luxury items like bottled water, ice cream
and pet food.
Growth in online retail could open up new distribution channels
such as Amazon Prime that can bypass traditional retailers.
There is pressure from large retailers such as Walmart to cut
Retailers such as Walmart, Kroger and Aldi are increasingly
promoting house brands, which are more profitable for them. House
brands are often sold at a lower price and given greater visibility
on shelves. Some retailers such as Aldi and Trader Joe’s emphasize
house brands at the expense of traditional products.
They have experienced disruption of the traditional grocery
industry in countries like the United States by new players such as
Whole Foods Market and online retailers.
The growing use of new retail channels such as Amazon Prime and
dollar stores may not favor traditional retail products.
A growing suspicion of prepackaged foods as unnatural and
unhealthy in Europe and North America is becoming common. This
increases the demand for fresh and natural foods in some markets.
It also increases the demand for organic and other
There is a growing ineffectiveness of traditional advertising
as new technologies such as streaming video supplant traditional
broadcast and print media.
Consumers in some countries are eating fewer meals at home,
which means less demand for some Nestle products. Bloomberg
reported that Americans’ spending on restaurant meals overtook
spending on groceries for the first in April 2015.
There is a possibility of increased government oversight and
regulations in some markets, such as India. India’s government
ordered billions of dollars of Maggi instant noodles be pulled from
the shelves in the summer of 2015 because of allegations of
excessive levels of lead in the product.
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