
In: Computer Science

Implement a class Student, including the following attributes and methods: Two public attributes name(String) and score...

Implement a class Student, including the following attributes and methods:

  • Two public attributes name(String) and score (int).
  • A constructor expects a name as a parameter.
  • A method getLevel to get the level(char) of the student.
  • score level table:
    • A: score >= 90
    • B: score >= 80 and < 90
    • C: score >= 60 and < 80
    • D: score < 60


Student student = new Student("Zack");

student.score = 10;

student.getLevel(); // should be 'D'.

student.score = 60;

student.getLevel(); // should be 'C'.

Java Language


Expert Solution


here is the code which has the class Student with the attributes mentioned name and score.

Now, getLevel returns the Level based on the score entered.


import java.util.*;

class Student
public String name;
public int score;
Student(String name)
{ = name;
this.score = score;
char getLevel()
return 'A';
else if(score>=80)
return 'B';
else if(score>=60)
return 'C';
return 'D';

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Student student = new Student("Zack");
student.score = 10;
student.score = 60;




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