
In: Economics

You are a major stakeholder in a large company. Identify five (5) measures you will take...

You are a major stakeholder in a large company. Identify five (5) measures you will take in relation to environmental concerns and corporate sustainability.


Expert Solution

Environmental concerns and corporate sustainability aims to reduce any damaging effects on the environment from the business activities. If you are concerened about the environment, it will not only reduce damaging effects on the environment but also can also increase revenue for your business. Now in these days customers prefer to buy from responsible companies which helps to reduce the business risk and improve reputation. It also helps to reduce the costs and can generate savings which make a difference to your business. If I am a major stakeholder in a large company, I would like to take following measures in relation to environmental concerns and corporate sustainability:

1. Optimise your product life cycle

2. Eco-friendly office-- Example: switched off the lights and equipment when they are not in use, use cloth towels or hand dryers instead of paper towels, etc.

3. Use recycled materials -- Example: stop using Plastic material like use mug or glass instead of plastic utensils, etc.

4. Reducing the wastage-- Example: lights and equipment should be switched off when they are not in use, minimise the use of water if not necessary so that wastage of water can be reduced, reducing the amount of paper is not necessary.

5. Buy from local shops to save fuel expenses.

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