
In: Anatomy and Physiology

A person is performing walking gait trials across a laboratory. At heel strike the hip flexion...

A person is performing walking gait trials across a laboratory. At heel strike the hip flexion angular velocity is 0.70 rad/s, knee flexion angular velocity is 4.15 rad/s, and ankle plantar flexion angular velocity is -0.70 rad/s. Additionally, moment of inertia of the hip is 0.70 kgm2, moment of inertia of the knee is 0.90 kgm2, and moment of inertia of the ankle is 1.00 kgm2. What is the sagittal plane angular momentum of the hip, knee, and ankle joints at heel strike?

  • Hhip at heel strike: ____________________

  • Hknee at heel strike: ___________________

  • Hankle at heel strike: __________________

Once this person transitions through the stance phase to toe off (e.g. propulsion) the hip flexion angular velocity increases to 3.15 rad/s, knee flexion angular velocity is 4.95 rad/s, and ankle plantar flexion angular velocity is –8.10 rad/s. If we assume gait velocity is constant during the stance phase, what is the moment of inertia of the hip (mass of femur = 8.50 kg), knee (mass of shank = 2.60 kg), and ankle (mass of foot = 0.82 kg) at toe off? Furthermore, what is the radius of gyration of the hip, knee, and ankle at toe off?

  • Ihip at toe off: ____________________

  • Iknee at toe off: ___________________

  • Iankle at toe off: __________________

  • Khip at toe off: ____________________

  • Kknee at toe off: ___________________

  • Kankle at toe off: __________________


Expert Solution

1. given,

  • Hip flexion angular velocity = 0.70 rad/s
  • Knee flexion angular velocity = 4.15 rad/s
  • Ankle plantar flexion angular velocity = (- 0.70 rad/s)
  • Moment of inertia of hip = 0.70 kgm2
  • moment of inertia of knee = 0.90 kgm2
  • moment of inertia of ankle = 1 kgm2
  • angular momentum L = moment of inertia (I) x angular velocity()
  • Angular momentum of hip, LH = 0.70 x 0.70 = 0.49 kgm2/s
  • Angular momentum of knee, LK = 4.15 x 0.90 = 3.735 kgm2/s
  • Angular momentum of ankle, LA = ( - 0.70) x 1 = ( - 0.70 ) kgm2/s

2. given,

  • hip flexion angular velocity = 3.15 rad/s
  • knee flexion angular velocity = 4.95 rad/s
  • ankle plantar flexion angular velocity = ( - 8.50) rad/s
  • mass of the femur = 8.50 kg
  • mass of the shank = 2.60 kg
  • mass of the foot = 0.82 kg
  • angular velocity, = velocity / radius
  • Radius = velocity / angular velocity ( given velocity during stance phase is constant, let us consider it as 1)
  • Radius of gyration of hip = 1/ 3.15 = 0.317 m
  • Radius of gyration of knee = 1/4.95 = 0.202 m
  • Radius of gyration of ankle = 1/ ( - 8.50) = ( - 0.117) m
  • moment of inertia, I = 1/2 x mass x radius of gyration2
  • moment of inertia of hip = 1/2 x 8.50 x (0.317)2 = 4.25 x 0.1 = 0.425 kgm2
  • moment of inertia of knee = 1/2 x 2.60 x (0.202)2 = 1.3 x 0.04 = 0.052 kgm2
  • moment of inertia of ankle = 1/2 x 0.82 x ( - 0.117)2 = 0.41x 0.013 = 0.0053 kgm2

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