In: Statistics and Probability
Using the information from the following scenario, conduct a one-way ANOVA and specify the LSD post hoc test.
The superintendent is continuing to examine the data that has been reported for the district. Another question concerned the differences in performance on high stakes tests. To examine this issue, the superintendent obtained the average scale scores for schools that participated in the high stakes testing for the district and two comparison districts. The following scores were collected:
Superintendent’s District |
Comparison District 1 |
Comparison District 2 |
332 |
324 |
301 |
317 |
307 |
317 |
320 |
277 |
297 |
344 |
333 |
303 |
314 |
300 |
320 |
330 |
302 |
309 |
291 |
320 |
278 |
302 |
291 |
299 |
286 |
296 |
290 |
318 |
327 |
311 |
320 |
304 |
314 |
327 |
277 |
297 |
283 |
284 |
264 |
322 |
276 |
270 |
Superintendent’s District=314.71
Comparison District 1=301.29
Comparison 2=297.86
Note: The table must be created using your word processing program. Tables that are copied and pasted from SPSS are not acceptable.
1.standard deviations od scale scores for each district
standard deviation of superintendent district
σ =
= 17.52
standard deviation of comparison district 1
standard deviation of comparison district 2
2. Null hypothesis for this analysis
H0 : There is no difference in performance on high stakes tests amng the districts
alternative hypothesis ( H1) : There is difference in performance on high stakes tests amng the districts.
Source of variation |
Sum of squares |
Degrees of freedom |
Mean sum of squares |
F statistic |
Between sum squares Within sum of squares |
2220.32 12956.4 |
3-1=2 42-3=39 |
2220.32/2 =1110.16 12956.4/39 =332.21 |
1110.16/332.21 =3.32 |
within sum of squares =
where i = 1,2, 3
3. the observed or computed value of F
Fcal = 3.34
4.the reported degrees of freedom for the Between Groups variance
where k is number of conditions in the our case ( number of districts ) =3
3-1 =2
degrees of freedom for the Between Groups variance is 2
5. .the reported degrees of freedom for the within Groups variance
N-K = 42-3 = 39
where N is total number of obersevations
6 . level of significan is 0.5