
In: Operations Management

Why is it important to balance chaos and order as well as evolution and revolution? Identify...

Why is it important to balance chaos and order as well as evolution and revolution?

Identify three conditions that would need to be implemented (or have already been implemented) in your organization to create a culture of innovation and change.


Expert Solution

It is important to balance chaos and order as well as evolution and revolution in any organization because of the fact that optimal functioning requires equilibrium conditions. What that means is that in order to successfully emerge through the chaos, the necessary order needs to be created, For instance, in order to complete a near impossible deadline, the company decides to hire independent contractors, game designing company hiring freelance artists. All this provides the order to the chaos factor and is necessary for the existence of the organization as a whole. Not only that but evolution without revolution will necessarily just create an increase in demand, which would require the utilization of all the new resources that the company had acquired in their quest for evolving to the latest standards of the competitive market. This will mean that demand would be needed to met and only having the process factor and no actual efficiency would just be unfruitful, therefore, in order to evolve the organization also needs to bring a change in their own thinking, ideologies and work output in order to be able to successfully utilize all the resources (evolution).

Three conditions that need to be implemented in the area:-

1. Total control management

TQM will allow a company to be able to create better processes, faster growth, better implementation and make use of all the necessary available resources in the quest to achieve overall excellence by managing all the aspects that need to be taken care of.

2. Employee involvement

Would require allowing the employees to be at the forefront of the battle and allow their creativity, experience to create innovations for the company and essentially allow the company to achieve possible growth in the future.

3. A free channel of communication in the organization’s hierarchical structure.

This factor is what will allow the workers to be able to express their concerns, doubts, bring new ideas to the table and would essentially reduce the burden on the company's management to have to mediate all the possible interactions and therefore, all the employees can essentially communicate to any other employee and even the upper management till the CEO in order to implement the necessary changes in the organization to drive towards excellence. This is a strategy already implemented successfully by SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

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