
In: Computer Science

Language:c++ choice b and c dont display the file rearranged why is that and how can...


choice b and c dont display the file rearranged why is that and how can i fix it?

#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#define size 10000

// Displays the current Inventory Data
void Display(int box_nums[], int nboxes[], double ppBox[], int n) // Prints Box number , number of boxes and price per box.
   cout << "Box number Number of boxes in stock Price per box" << "\n";
   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------\n";
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       cout << box_nums[i] << " " << nboxes[i] << " " << ppBox[i] << "\n";

// sort's the inventory data according to the price per box from low to high
void sortByPrice(int box_nums[], int nboxes[], double priceBox[], int n)
   int i, j, min_idx, temp2;
   double temp;
   for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
       min_idx = i; // min_idx is used to store data in ascending order
       for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) // used selection sort to sort the data based on price per box
           if (priceBox[j] < priceBox[min_idx])
               min_idx = j;
       temp = priceBox[min_idx];
       priceBox[min_idx] = priceBox[i]; // temp is a variable to swap data
       priceBox[i] = temp;

       temp2 = nboxes[min_idx];
       nboxes[min_idx] = nboxes[i]; // temp2 is a variable to swap data
       nboxes[i] = temp2;

       temp2 = box_nums[min_idx];
       box_nums[min_idx] = box_nums[i];
       box_nums[i] = temp2;


// sort's the inventory data according to Box number from low to high
void sortByBoxNumber(int box_nums[], int nboxes[], double priceBox[], int n)
   int i, j, min_idx, temp2;
   double temp;
   for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
       min_idx = i; // min_idx is used to store data in ascending order
       for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
           if (box_nums[j] < box_nums[min_idx]) // used selection sort to sort the data based on price per box
               min_idx = j;

       temp2 = box_nums[min_idx];
       box_nums[min_idx] = box_nums[i];
       box_nums[i] = temp2;

       temp = priceBox[min_idx];
       priceBox[min_idx] = priceBox[i];
       priceBox[i] = temp;

       temp2 = nboxes[min_idx];
       nboxes[min_idx] = nboxes[i];
       nboxes[i] = temp2;

// Searches for the price per box of the corresponding box number entered by user.
double lookUpByBoxNumber(int boxNumber, int box_nums[], double priceBox[], int n)
   int low = 0, high = n - 1;
   int mid;
   while (low <= high) // used binary search to search for the corresponding box number and its price-per-box
       mid = low + (high - low) / 2;

       if (box_nums[mid] > boxNumber)
           high = mid - 1;
       else if (box_nums[mid] == boxNumber)
           return priceBox[mid];
           low = mid + 1;

   return -1;

//Reordered the data whose number of boxes are less than 100
void reorderReport(int box_nums[], int nboxes[], int n)
   int* reorderBoxNums = new int[n];
   int* reorderBoxes = new int[n];
   int k = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       if (nboxes[i] < 100)
           reorderBoxNums[k] = box_nums[i];
           reorderBoxes[k] = nboxes[i];
   int i, j, max_idx, temp2;
   for (i = 0; i < k - 1; i++) // sorts the data in reordered data according to number of boxes in inventory from low to high
       max_idx = i;
       for (j = i + 1; j < k; j++)
           if (reorderBoxes[j] > reorderBoxes[max_idx])
               max_idx = j;

       temp2 = reorderBoxes[max_idx];
       reorderBoxes[max_idx] = reorderBoxes[i];
       reorderBoxes[i] = temp2;

       temp2 = reorderBoxNums[max_idx];
       reorderBoxNums[max_idx] = reorderBoxNums[i];
       reorderBoxNums[i] = temp2;
   cout << "REORDERED REPORT IS: \n";
   cout << "The boxes in invetory whose stock are less than 100 are: \n";
   cout << "Box number Number of boxes in stock" << "\n";
   cout << "------------------------------------------" << "\n";
   for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
       cout << reorderBoxNums[i] << " " << reorderBoxes[i] << "\n";
int main()

   std::fstream myfile("inventory.txt");
   int box_number[size], numberOfBoxes[size];
   double pricePerBox[size], sp;
   int bn, nb, i = 0;
   while (myfile >> bn >> nb >> sp) // fetch data from file inventory.txt
       box_number[i] = bn;
       numberOfBoxes[i] = nb;
       pricePerBox[i] = sp;

   int n = i, bnumber; // n stores number of records in file , bnumber is the box number which is to be searched for price-per-box by user
   double val; // val is variable used for value stored from lookup by box-number
   char option;
   bool exit = true; // exit variable to exit the while loop

   // Menu for the user
   cout << "\nChoose a option in the Menu a/b/c/d/e/f :" << "\n";
   cout << "a. Display the data" << "\n";
   cout << "b. Sort data by price, low to high" << "\n";
   cout << "c. Sort data by box number, low to high" << "\n";
   cout << "d. Look up the Price of the box given the box number" << "\n";
   cout << "e. Generate Reorder Report" << "\n";
   cout << "f. Exit" << "\n";

   while (exit)
       cout << "Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : ";
       cin >> option;

       switch (option)
       case 'a':
           Display(box_number, numberOfBoxes, pricePerBox, n);
       case 'b':
           sortByPrice(box_number, numberOfBoxes, pricePerBox, n);
           cout << "Data has been Successfully sorted by price" << "\n";
           cout << "Please, choose option 'a' to display sorted data" << "\n";
       case 'c':
           sortByBoxNumber(box_number, numberOfBoxes, pricePerBox, n);
           cout << "Data has been Successfully sorted by Box Number" << "\n";
           cout << "Please, choose option 'a' to display sorted data" << "\n";
       case 'd':
           sortByBoxNumber(box_number, numberOfBoxes, pricePerBox, n);
           cout << "Enter the box number for which you want to search the price : ";
           cin >> bnumber;
           val = lookUpByBoxNumber(bnumber, box_number, pricePerBox, n);
           if (val < 0)
               cout << "There is no price of the box for the box number you are searching for\n";
               cout << "The price-per-box of the Box-Number you searched is " << val << "\n";
       case 'e':
           reorderReport(box_number, numberOfBoxes, n);
       case 'f':
           exit = false;
           cout << "Invalid options , enter a valid option" << "\n";


   return 0;


Expert Solution

The solution has been written in C++;


1. changed the argument type of the function "sortByPrice" and "sortByBoxNumber" from array to pointer.

#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#define size 10000

// Displays the current Inventory Data
void Display(int box_nums[], int nboxes[], double ppBox[], int n) // Prints Box number , number of boxes and price per box.
   cout << "Box number Number of boxes in stock Price per box" << "\n";
   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------\n";
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       cout << box_nums[i] << " " << nboxes[i] << " " << ppBox[i] << "\n";

// sort's the inventory data according to the price per box from low to high
void sortByPrice(int* box_nums, int* nboxes, double* priceBox, int n)
   int i, j, min_idx, temp2;
   double temp;
   for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
       min_idx = i; // min_idx is used to store data in ascending order
       for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) // used selection sort to sort the data based on price per box
           if (priceBox[j] < priceBox[min_idx])
               min_idx = j;
       temp = priceBox[min_idx];
       priceBox[min_idx] = priceBox[i]; // temp is a variable to swap data
       priceBox[i] = temp;

       temp2 = nboxes[min_idx];
       nboxes[min_idx] = nboxes[i]; // temp2 is a variable to swap data
       nboxes[i] = temp2;

       temp2 = box_nums[min_idx];
       box_nums[min_idx] = box_nums[i];
       box_nums[i] = temp2;


// sort's the inventory data according to Box number from low to high
void sortByBoxNumber(int* box_nums, int* nboxes, double* priceBox, int n)
   int i, j, min_idx, temp2;
   double temp;
   for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
       min_idx = i; // min_idx is used to store data in ascending order
       for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
           if (box_nums[j] < box_nums[min_idx]) // used selection sort to sort the data based on price per box
               min_idx = j;

       temp2 = box_nums[min_idx];
       box_nums[min_idx] = box_nums[i];
       box_nums[i] = temp2;

       temp = priceBox[min_idx];
       priceBox[min_idx] = priceBox[i];
       priceBox[i] = temp;

       temp2 = nboxes[min_idx];
       nboxes[min_idx] = nboxes[i];
       nboxes[i] = temp2;

// Searches for the price per box of the corresponding box number entered by user.
double lookUpByBoxNumber(int boxNumber, int box_nums[], double priceBox[], int n)
   int low = 0, high = n - 1;
   int mid;
   while (low <= high) // used binary search to search for the corresponding box number and its price-per-box
       mid = low + (high - low) / 2;

       if (box_nums[mid] > boxNumber)
           high = mid - 1;
       else if (box_nums[mid] == boxNumber)
           return priceBox[mid];
           low = mid + 1;

   return -1;

//Reordered the data whose number of boxes are less than 100
void reorderReport(int box_nums[], int nboxes[], int n)
   int* reorderBoxNums = new int[n];
   int* reorderBoxes = new int[n];
   int k = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       if (nboxes[i] < 100)
           reorderBoxNums[k] = box_nums[i];
           reorderBoxes[k] = nboxes[i];
   int i, j, max_idx, temp2;
   for (i = 0; i < k - 1; i++) // sorts the data in reordered data according to number of boxes in inventory from low to high
       max_idx = i;
       for (j = i + 1; j < k; j++)
           if (reorderBoxes[j] > reorderBoxes[max_idx])
               max_idx = j;

       temp2 = reorderBoxes[max_idx];
       reorderBoxes[max_idx] = reorderBoxes[i];
       reorderBoxes[i] = temp2;

       temp2 = reorderBoxNums[max_idx];
       reorderBoxNums[max_idx] = reorderBoxNums[i];
       reorderBoxNums[i] = temp2;
   cout << "REORDERED REPORT IS: \n";
   cout << "The boxes in invetory whose stock are less than 100 are: \n";
   cout << "Box number Number of boxes in stock" << "\n";
   cout << "------------------------------------------" << "\n";
   for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
       cout << reorderBoxNums[i] << " " << reorderBoxes[i] << "\n";
int main()

   std::fstream myfile("inventory.txt");
   int box_number[size], numberOfBoxes[size];
   double pricePerBox[size], sp;
   int bn, nb, i = 0;
   while (myfile >> bn >> nb >> sp) // fetch data from file inventory.txt
       box_number[i] = bn;
       numberOfBoxes[i] = nb;
       pricePerBox[i] = sp;

   int n = i, bnumber; // n stores number of records in file , bnumber is the box number which is to be searched for price-per-box by user
   double val; // val is variable used for value stored from lookup by box-number
   char option;
   bool exit = true; // exit variable to exit the while loop

   // Menu for the user
   cout << "\nChoose a option in the Menu a/b/c/d/e/f :" << "\n";
   cout << "a. Display the data" << "\n";
   cout << "b. Sort data by price, low to high" << "\n";
   cout << "c. Sort data by box number, low to high" << "\n";
   cout << "d. Look up the Price of the box given the box number" << "\n";
   cout << "e. Generate Reorder Report" << "\n";
   cout << "f. Exit" << "\n";

   while (exit)
       cout << "Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : ";
       cin >> option;

       switch (option)
       case 'a':
           Display(box_number, numberOfBoxes, pricePerBox, n);
       case 'b':
           sortByPrice(box_number, numberOfBoxes, pricePerBox, n);
           cout << "Data has been Successfully sorted by price" << "\n";
           cout << "Please, choose option 'a' to display sorted data" << "\n";
       case 'c':
           sortByBoxNumber(box_number, numberOfBoxes, pricePerBox, n);
           cout << "Data has been Successfully sorted by Box Number" << "\n";
           cout << "Please, choose option 'a' to display sorted data" << "\n";
       case 'd':
           sortByBoxNumber(box_number, numberOfBoxes, pricePerBox, n);
           cout << "Enter the box number for which you want to search the price : ";
           cin >> bnumber;
           val = lookUpByBoxNumber(bnumber, box_number, pricePerBox, n);
           if (val < 0)
               cout << "There is no price of the box for the box number you are searching for\n";
               cout << "The price-per-box of the Box-Number you searched is " << val << "\n";
       case 'e':
           reorderReport(box_number, numberOfBoxes, n);
       case 'f':
           exit = false;
           cout << "Invalid options , enter a valid option" << "\n";


   return 0;

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