
In: Statistics and Probability

Older people often have a hard time finding work. AARP reported on the number of weeks...

Older people often have a hard time finding work. AARP reported on the number of weeks it takes a worker aged 55 plus to find a job. The data on number of weeks spent searching for a job contained in the table below. 17 0 0 28 18 37 7 13 33 0 24 50 4 48 5 19 3 25 2 29 4 8 8 32 1 27 7 47 6 0
a. Provide a point estimate of the population mean number of weeks it takes a worker aged 55 plus to find a job. Round the answer to two decimal places.
( ) weeks
b. At 95% confidence, what is the margin of error? Round the answer to four decimal places. ( )
c. What is the 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean? Round the answers to two decimal places. ( , )
d. Find the skewness. Round the answer to four decimal places. ( )


Expert Solution

a) We know that ,

point estimate of population mean is sample mean =


n = total number of observations in the data set = 30

x (x-mean)^2
17 0.071111
0 280.0044
0 280.0044
28 126.9378
18 1.604444
37 410.7378
7 94.73778
13 13.93778
33 264.6044
0 280.0044
24 52.80444
50 1106.671
4 162.1378
48 977.6044
5 137.6711
19 5.137778
3 188.6044
25 68.33778
2 217.0711
29 150.4711
4 162.1378
8 76.27111
8 76.27111
32 233.0711
1 247.5378
27 105.4044
7 94.73778
47 916.0711
6 115.2044
0 280.0044
Total 502 7125.867
mean 16.73333
sd 15.67544

point estimate of the population mean number of weeks it takes a worker aged 55 plus to find a job is
16.73 weeks

b)At 95% confidence, what is the margin of error is,

MOE = 5.8526

c)  95% confidence interval estimate of the mean,

We 95% confidant that the true population mean lies in interval ,

d) The skewness

x (x-mean)^3
17 0.018963
0 -4685.41
0 -4685.41
28 1430.166
18 2.032296
37 8324.286
7 -922.114
13 -52.0344
33 4304.232
0 -4685.41
24 383.7123
50 36815.26
4 -2064.55
48 30566.43
5 -1615.34
19 11.64563
3 -2590.17
25 564.9256
2 -3198.18
29 1845.779
4 -2064.55
8 -666.101
8 -666.101
32 3558.219
1 -3894.59
27 1082.152
7 -922.114
47 27726.42
6 -1236.53
0 -4685.41
Total 502 77981.26

Skewness is 0.6981

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