1 ALS can either be sporadic or familial.
Sporadic ALS occurs randomly, and it accounts for 90 to 95
percent of cases. There is no clear risk factor or cause.
Familial ALS is inherited. Around 5 to 10 percent of cases are
familial. The child of a person with ALS will have a 50 percent
chance of developing the condition.
Other possible causes of ALS-
- Disorganized immune response: The immune system may attack some
of the body’s cells, possibly killing nerve cells.
- Chemical imbalance: Patients with ALS often have higher levels
of glutamate, a chemical messenger in the brain, near the motor
neurons. Glutamate in high quantities is known to be toxic to nerve
- Mishandling of proteins: If proteins are not processed
correctly by nerve cells, abnormal proteins could potentially
accumulate and cause the nerve cells to die.
2 the symptoms of ALS include
- difficulty carrying out daily activities, including
- increased clumsiness
- weakness in the feet, hands, legs, and ankles
- cramping and twitching in the arms, shoulders, or tongue
- difficulty maintaining good posture and holding the head
- uncontrolled outbursts of laughing or crying, known as
emotional lability
- cognitive changes
- slurring of speech and difficulty with voice projection
- pain
- fatigue
- problems with saliva, and mucus
- difficulty breathing and swallowing, in the later stages
3 the most common cause of death in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis patients are due to respiratory failure. penumonia and
broncho penumonia are the main causes of death in ALS patients . a
more proactive treatment on respiratory infections could have
increased the survival impact.