In: Operations Management
Designated corporate trainer will be a full time employee who completely focus on training and development activities. The experience and industrial knowledge of such trainers will have direct impact over the effectiveness of the training. The person can involve directly on the module development, type of training require for employees, market trend on technoloigies and other functionalities, understanding organisation culture and provide interpersonal , business ethics etc kind og softskill and professionalism boosting training. Thus a dedicated trainer can design the training calendars for the employees and create a unique platform for all researches associated with it which is aligned to organisational objectives and stratgies.
Size of the company is one criteria where if size is more it is difficult for managing and scheduling training for all required employee at the same time. The small sized employees will be easy to be trained and design the training accordingly. Thus effectivness may vary depends on the size of organisation and how it is managed. When training is left to managers only partial effectivness is possible and all managers may not take the training aspects seriously. There should be a bottom up and top bottom mix of approach for training and it should reach the grass root level in organisation inorder to get the complete effectiveness.The objective of managers would be limited and he may not be able to have a proper vision about organisational bigger goals and this will create ambiguity and gaps in training requirement. There comes the importance of having dedicated training team