
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Prolonged exposure to stressful conditions and events results in the continuous production of increased levels of...

Prolonged exposure to stressful conditions and events results in the continuous production of increased levels of hydrocortisone (cortisol) which, in turn, has differing functional effects upon two limbic structures. a) Name these limbic structures and b) explain how chronic exposure to cortisol differently affects each.


Expert Solution

a)Amygdala and Hipppocampus are the 2 limbic structures. It creates a cycle of predisposed brain in which,it lies in a state of fight or flight.

b) Cortisol ,generally, alters immune system,when in high level.
*It also suppresses digestive system,reproductive system and other growth processes.
It also alters the biological clock mechamism.
*It alters the parts of brain that deal with mood swings ,motivation and fear
*When overexposure to cortisol occurs,the vulberability to health problems
Depression,sleep disorder,heart disease,digestive problems,weight gain,headache,memory problems etc.
*When cortisols are elevated,it stimulaes gluconeogenesis and helps the glucose to fight against fight or flee response...But this causes increased blood sugar level.

*In terms of reproductive system,it makes difficult for female to conceive and in males,it cause erectile dysfuntion
*In respiratory,it causes shortness of breath as muscles are stressed up
*Cortisol in stress intensify tension headaches.
*Cortisol also cause an increase in BP.

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