
In: Statistics and Probability

Prove the claim at the end of the section about the Euclidean Algorithm and Fibonacci numbers....

Prove the claim at the end of the section about the Euclidean Algorithm and Fibonacci numbers. Specifically, prove that if positive naturals a and b are each at most F(n), then the Euclidean Algorithm performs at most n − 2 divisions. (You may assume that n > 2.)


Expert Solution

Given that

The claim at the end of the section about the Euclidean Algorithm and Fibonacci numbers

we have f n = f x-1 +f x-2

f x+1 =f x +f x-1

f 0 = 0 , f 1 =1 ,f 2 =1 , f 3 = 2 , .........

Let us Show that g c d ( f n ,f n+1) = 1 by Mathematical Induction

g c d (f 1 , f 2 ) = g c d (1,1)= 1

The statement is true for n = 1

assume that the statement is true for n = k

g c d ( f k , f k+1 ) = 1

assume that the statement is true for n= k

g c d ( f k , f k+1 ) = 1

Let gcd   ( f k , f k+1 ) = d



Now &


d =   1

but d = gcd ( f k+1 , f k+2) > 0

d = 1

gcd ( f k+1 , f k+2 ) = 1

The statement is proved for n = k+1

by Mathematical Induction gcd( fx , f x-1 ) = 1

Let us find gcd ( f x , f x+1 ) by Euclid's Algorithm

we have fx+1 = (1)fx +f x-1 ; 0 < f x-1 < f x

fx = (1) f x-1+ f x-2 ;  0 < f x-2< f x-1

fx-1 = (1) f x-2+ f x-3 ;  0 < fx-3 < f x-2

continuing this process

f 4 =  (1) f3+ f 2 ;  0 < f 2< f 3

f 3 = (2) f 2 +0

gcd (fx ,f x+1) = f 2​​​​​​ = 1

(n-1) steps used to adopt Eucli d's Algorithm to conclude gcd (fx ,f x+1) = 1

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