IQ is intelligent quotient that determines intelligence of an
individual. There are various tests designed for infants in order
to determined their intelligence that in future would be a
predictor of IQ. These are as follows:
- Testing of visual memory: In this test infants are firstfshown
a picture of a woman later followed by picture of anotger woman as
the picture of the woman shown previosuly is kept on the table.
Babies havehaha tendency to stare longer at novel objects. If the
baby doesntd stare at the old photograph of the woman on the table
for long it is an indicator of good visual memory which is a good
predictor of IQ.
- Tests such as Gessels developmental schedules that asses
groosgrmotormand fine motor development, language development,
adaptive behaviour, personal social behaviour is also a good way to
asses and determine infant intelligence.
- Bayley scale of infant development that assess mental
abilities, motor skills and behaviour is also a good indicator of