In: Anatomy and Physiology
List the physical pathway from the point of absorption of the glucose molecule in the gastrointestinal tract to getting to the right gastrocnemius muscle
Glucose is absorbed with Na+ ions on an SGLUT transporter.
Glucose ------> Jejunum -------> SGLUT1 -------> Interstitial epithelial cell -------> GLUT 2 transporter -----> Interstitial fluid -----> Superior mesenteric vein --------> Portal vein ------> Hepatic capillaries --------> Hepatic vein -------> Inferior vena cava -------> Right atrium ------> Tricuspid valve --------> Right ventricle -------> Pulmonary arteries -------> LUNG ---------> Pulmonary veins ------> Left atrium ------> Bicuspid valve -------> Left ventricle ------> Aorta ------> ascending aorta -------> Arch of aorta -------> Descending aorta ------> Abdominal aorta -------> Common iliac artery -------> Roght external iliac artery ----> Femoral artery ------> Popliteal artery ------> Lateral and Medial sural artery ------> Gastrocnemius