
In: Computer Science

Create a function that takes two numbers and a mathematical operator +, –, / , *...

Create a function that takes two numbers and a mathematical operator +, –, / , * and will perform a calculation with the given numbers.


calculator(2, "+", 2) ➞ 4

calculator(2, "*", 2) ➞ 4

calculator(4, "/", 2) ➞ 2

Notes If the input tries to divide by 0, return: "Can't divide by 0!"

Code in C++ language ...


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

void calculator(int num1, char symbol, int num2)//function used to solve mathematical operation
                case '+'://addition operatiob
                        cout << num1 + num2;
                case '-'://subtraction operation
                        cout << num1 - num2;
                case '*'://multiplication operation
                        cout << num1 * num2;
                case '/'://division operation
                        if ( num2 == 0 )
                                cout << "Can't divide by 0!";
                                cout << num1 / num2;

int main()
        int num1, num2;
        char symbol;

        cout << "Enter mathematical operator:";
        cin >> symbol;//get operator from user
        cout << "Enter first number: ";
        cin >> num1;//get first number from user
        cout << "Enter second number: ";
        cin >> num2;//get second number from user
        calculator(num1, symbol, num2);
        return 0;



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