
In: Computer Science

Write a Program using MPLAB IDE and XC8 compiler to do the followings: 1. When the...

Write a Program using MPLAB IDE and XC8 compiler to do the followings:
1. When the Program Starts it should send your Name and ID# to the Serial Port
2. Display the result on Tera Term.
3. Read PORTB buttons in an infinite loop (Main Loop which is the Read Buttons Loop), your program should not block when reading the Buttons except in De-bouncing..
But you need to de-bounce each button when pressed
3.1 If the user presses PORTB, RB0 button, write Button 0 and
Toggle ALL PORTD buttons.
3.2 If the user presses PORTB, RB1 button, write Button 1 and Toggle RD1
3.3 If the user presses PORTB, RB2 button, write Button 2 and Toggle RD2
3.4 If the user presses PORTB, RB3 button, write Button 3 and Enter a Read serial loop.
Display the bits of the Character that the user Enters on PORTD and store in a buffer.
If the Number reaches 15 characters or the user enters '*', then exit the read serial port loop and Display all characters (string) entered on Ter Term.
Make sure you null terminate the string. But you will be still in the Main Loop which is the read button Loop
3.5 If the user presses PORTB, RB4 button, terminate the Main Loop which is the read button loop then print 'Exit' on the Tera term and go to infinite loop doing nothing which is just while (true) CLRWDT(); written after the main reading loop.

Assembly &c


Expert Solution


#include <stdio.h>

//Implementing stack using array
//Basic operations - push and pop
int main()
int n, choice, stack[100], newelement, popelement, top, i;
choice = 0;
top = 0;
//Getting the stack size
printf("Enter the stack size\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
while(choice != 4) {
//Get the choice of operation in command line
printf("\n\n1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display 4.Exit\nEnter your choice");
scanf("%d", &choice);
switch(choice) {
case 1:
//Push a new element if the stack isnt full
if(top == n) {
printf("\n\nStack size is full");
else {
printf("\n\nEnter the element to push into the stack");
scanf("%d", &newelement);
stack[top] = newelement;
case 2:
//Pop out the last element
if(top == 0) {
printf("\n\nStack is empty");
else {
popelement = stack[top];
printf("\n\nPopped Element: %d", popelement);
case 3:
//Display the contents of the stack
printf("\n\nDisplaying Stack elements in reverse order of insertion: ");
for(i = top-1; i >= 0; i--) {
printf(" %d ", stack[i]);
case 4:
//Invalid choice
printf("\n\nEnter a valid choice");
return 0;

Logic explanation:

Stack is a data structure that follows LIFO(Last In First Out). In this program, stack has been implemented for integers using array in C. The basic operations of stack are push and pop. Push operation involves inserting new element into the stack while pop involves removing the last inserted element from the stack. Additionally, there is an option to display the contents of the stack in the reverse order.


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