
In: Computer Science

Answer 3 problems using company sql An employee signs its initials on a document ’AJ’, write...

Answer 3 problems using company sql

  1. An employee signs its initials on a document ’AJ’, write a query to find the first and last name of the employee.
  2. List the first name, last name, and salary of employees that work in the ’Hardware’ department.
  3. List the first name, last name, and salary of employees that work on ’ProductX’.

Below is company.sql file

use Company;

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dept_locations;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

CREATE TABLE employee (
fname varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
minit varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
lname varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
ssn char(9) NOT NULL,
bdate date DEFAULT NULL,
address varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
sex char DEFAULT NULL,
salary decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
superssn char(9) DEFAULT NULL,
dno int(4) DEFAULT NULL,

CREATE TABLE department (
dname varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
dnumber int(4) NOT NULL,
mgrssn char(9) DEFAULT NULL,
mgrstartdate date DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (dnumber),
FOREIGN KEY (mgrssn) REFERENCES employee(ssn)

ALTER TABLE employee ADD (
FOREIGN KEY (dno) REFERENCES department(dnumber),
FOREIGN KEY (superssn) REFERENCES employee(ssn)

CREATE TABLE dept_locations (
dnumber int(4) NOT NULL,
dlocation varchar(15) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (dnumber, dlocation),
FOREIGN KEY (dnumber) REFERENCES department(dnumber)

CREATE TABLE project (
pname varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
pnumber int(4) NOT NULL,
plocation varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
dnum int(4) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (pnumber),
FOREIGN KEY (dnum) REFERENCES department(dnumber)

CREATE TABLE works_on (
essn char(9) NOT NULL,
pno int(4) NOT NULL,
hours decimal(4,1) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (essn, pno),
FOREIGN KEY (essn) REFERENCES employee(ssn),
FOREIGN KEY (pno) REFERENCES project(pnumber)

CREATE TABLE dependent (
essn char(9) NOT NULL,
dependent_name varchar(15) NOT NULL,
sex char DEFAULT NULL,
bdate date DEFAULT NULL,
relationship varchar(8) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (essn, dependent_name),
FOREIGN KEY (essn) REFERENCES employee(ssn)

('James','E','Borg','888665555', '1927-11-10','450 Stone, Houston, TX','M',55000,null,null);

('Jared','D','James','111111100','1965-05-12','123 Peachtree, Atlanta, GA','M',85000,null,null);
('Alex','D','Freed','444444400','1950-09-07','4333 Pillsbury, Milwaukee, WI','M',89000,null,null);
('John','C','James','555555500','1975-06-30','7676 Bloomington, Sacramento, CA','M',81000,null,null);
('Franklin','T','Wong','333445555','1965-05-15','638 Voss, Houston, TX','M',40000,'888665555',null);
('Jennifer','S','Wallace','987654321','1955-12-13','291 Berry, Bellaire, TX','F',43000,'888665555',null);

INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Research', 5, '333445555', '1978-05-22');
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Administration', 4, '987654321', '1985-01-01');
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Headquarters', 1, '888665555', '1971-06-19');
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Software',6,'111111100','1999-05-15');
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Hardware',7,'444444400','1998-05-15');
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Sales',8,'555555500','1997-01-01');
UPDATE employee SET dno = 5 WHERE ssn = '333445555';
UPDATE employee SET dno = 4 WHERE ssn = '987654321';
UPDATE employee SET dno = 1 WHERE ssn = '888665555';
UPDATE employee SET dno = 6 WHERE ssn = '111111100';
UPDATE employee SET dno = 7 WHERE ssn = '444444400';
UPDATE employee SET dno = 6 WHERE ssn = '555555500';

insert into employee values
('Bob','B','Bender','666666600','1984-04-23','8794 Garfield, Chicago, IL','M',96000,null,8);
insert into employee values
('Kim','C','Grace','333333300','1988-12-08','6677 Mills Ave, Sacramento, CA','F',79000,null,6);
insert into employee values
('Evan','E','Wallis','222222200','1990-10-14','134 Pelham, Milwaukee, WI','M',92000,null,7);

('John','B','Smith','123456789','1955-01-09','731 Fondren, Houston, TX','M',30000,'333445555',5);
('Alicia','J','Zelaya','999887777','1958-07-21','3321 Castle, Spring, TX','F',25000,'987654321',4);
('Ramesh','K','Narayan','666884444','1952-09-27','971 Fire Oak, Humble, TX','M',38000,'333445555',5);
('Joyce','A','English','453453453','1983-04-26','5631 Rice Oak, Houston, TX','F',25000,'333445555',5);
('Ahmad','V','Jabbar','987987987','1979-12-03','980 Dallas, Houston, TX','M',25000,'987654321',4);
insert into employee values
('Jon','C','Jones','111111101','1986-11-04','111 Allgood, Atlanta, GA','M',45000,'111111100',6);
insert into employee values
('Justin',null,'Mark','111111102','1972-08-04','2342 May, Atlanta, GA','M',40000,'111111100',6);
insert into employee values
('Brad','C','Knight','111111103','1988-11-02','176 Main St., Atlanta, GA','M',44000,'111111100',6);

insert into employee values
('Josh','U','Zell','222222201','1986-02-22','266 McGrady, Milwaukee, WI','M',56000,'222222200',7);
insert into employee values
('Andy','C','Vile','222222202','1966-02-10','1967 Jordan, Milwaukee, WI','M',53000,'222222200',7);
insert into employee values
('Tom','G','Brand','222222203','1963-04-12','112 Third St, Milwaukee, WI','M',62500,'222222200',7);
insert into employee values
('Jenny','F','Vos','222222204','1956-07-11','263 Mayberry, Milwaukee, WI','F',61000,'222222201',7);
insert into employee values
('Chris','A','Carter','222222205','1992-08-17','565 Jordan, Milwaukee, WI','F',43000,'222222201',7);

insert into employee values
('Jeff','H','Chase','333333301','1970-05-02','145 Bradbury, Sacramento, CA','M',44000,'333333300',6);
insert into employee values
('Bonnie','S','Bays','444444401','1973-06-05','111 Hollow, Milwaukee, WI','F',70000,'444444400',7);
insert into employee values
('Alec','C','Best','444444402','1987-10-11','233 Solid, Milwaukee, WI','M',60000,'444444400',7);
insert into employee values
('Sam','S','Snedden','444444403','1991-08-12','987 Windy St, Milwaukee, WI','M',48000,'444444400',7);
insert into employee values
('Nandita','K','Ball','555555501','1989-07-22','222 Howard, Sacramento, CA','M',62000,'555555500',6);

insert into employee values
('Jill','J','Jarvis','666666601','1993-10-01','6234 Lincoln, Chicago, IL','F',36000,'666666600',8);
insert into employee values
('Kate','W','King','666666602','1992-07-03','1976 Boone Trace, Chicago, IL','F',44000,'666666600',8);
insert into employee values
('Lyle','G','Leslie','666666603','1982-11-19','417 Hancock Ave, Chicago, IL','M',41000,'666666601',8);
insert into employee values
('Billie','J','King','666666604','1990-10-15','556 Washington, Chicago, IL','F',38000,'666666603',8);
insert into employee values
('Jon','A','Kramer','666666605','1981-10-17','1988 Windy Creek, Seattle, WA','M',41500,'666666603',8);
insert into employee values
('Ray','H','King','666666606','1978-02-24','213 Delk Road, Seattle, WA','M',44500,'666666604',8);
insert into employee values
('Gerald','D','Small','666666607','1976-07-13','122 Ball Street, Dallas, TX','M',29000,'666666602',8);
insert into employee values
('Arnold','A','Head','666666608','1977-12-04','233 Spring St, Dallas, TX','M',33000,'666666602',8);
insert into employee values
('Helga','C','Pataki','666666609','1981-03-15','101 Holyoke St, Dallas, TX','F',32000,'666666602',8);
insert into employee values
('Naveen','B','Drew','666666610','1992-03-14','198 Elm St, Philadelphia, PA','M',34000,'666666607',8);
insert into employee values
('Carl','E','Reedy','666666611','1979-01-10','213 Ball St, Philadelphia, PA','M',32000,'666666610',8);
insert into employee values
('Sammy','G','Hall','666666612','1970-08-01','433 Main Street, Miami, FL','M',37000,'666666611',8);
insert into employee values
('Red','A','Bacher','666666613','1980-05-21','196 Elm Street, Miami, FL','M',33500,'666666612',8);

INSERT INTO project VALUES ('ProductX',1,'Bellaire',5);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('ProductY',2,'Sugarland',5);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('ProductZ',3,'Houston',5);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('Computerization',10,'Stafford',4);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('Reorganization',20,'Houston',1);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('Newbenefits',30,'Stafford',4);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('OperatingSystems',61,'Jacksonville',6);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('DatabaseSystems',62,'Birmingham',6);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('Middleware',63,'Jackson',6);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('InkjetPrinters',91,'Phoenix',7);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('LaserPrinters',92,'LasVegas',7);
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (1,'Houston');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (4,'Stafford');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (5,'Bellaire');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (5,'Sugarland');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (5,'Houston');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (6,'Atlanta');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (6,'Sacramento');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (7,'Milwaukee');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (8,'Chicago');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (8,'Dallas');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (8,'Philadephia');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (8,'Seattle');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (8,'Miami');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('333445555','Alice','F','1996-03-01-','Daughter');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('333445555','Theodore','M','1993-05-12','Son');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('333445555','Joy','F','1970-08-07','Spouse');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('987654321','Abner','M','1932-02-28','Spouse');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('123456789','Michael','M','1978-01-01','Son');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('123456789','Alice','F', '1978-12-30','Daughter');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('123456789','Elizabeth','F','1957-05-05','Spouse');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('444444400','Johnny','M','1997-04-06','Son');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('444444400','Tommy','M','1999-02-07','Son');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('555555500','Chris','M','1969-04-21','Spouse');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('666884444','Sam','M','1964-03-13','Spouse');
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('123456789',1, 32.5);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('123456789',2, 7.5);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('666884444',3, 40.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('453453453',1, 20.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('453453453',2, 20.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('333445555',2, 10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('333445555',3, 10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('333445555',10,10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('333445555',20,10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('999887777',30,30.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('999887777',10,10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('987987987',10,35.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('987987987',30, 5.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('987654321',30,20.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('987654321',20,15.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('888665555',20,null);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('111111100',61,40.0);


Expert Solution

1) An employee signs its initials on a document ’AJ’, write a query to find the first and last name of the employee.

query :    select fname,lname

from employee

where fname like 'A%' and lname like 'J%';

output : | fname | lname |

| Ahmad | Jabbar |

2) first name, last name, and salary of employees who work in the ’Hardware’ department.

query : select e.fname,e.lname,e.salary

from employee e inner join department d

on e.dno = d.dnumber

where d.dname = 'Hardware';

output : | fname | lname | salary |

| Alex | Freed | 89000 |

| Evan | Wallis | 92000 |

| Josh | Zell    | 56000 |

| Andy | Vile | 53000 |

| Tom | Brand | 62500 |

| Jenny | Vos | 61000 |

| Chris | Carter | 43000 |

| Bonny | Bays | 70000 |

| Alec | Best    | 60000 |

| Sam   | Snedden | 48000 |

3) first name, last name, and salary of employees who work on 'ProductX'.

query : select fname,lname,salary

from employee

where ssn = ( select w.essn

from works_on w inner join project p on w.pno = p.pnumber

where p.pname = 'ProductX') ;

output : | fname | lname | salary |

| John | Smith | 30000 |

| Joyce | English | 25000 |

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