
In: Statistics and Probability

Data Below represent a sample. What is the probability of the population mean to be above...

Data Below represent a sample. What is the probability of the population mean to be above 263.1?

Please include Excel Calculations.

234.4 253.2 259 253.9 209.6 251.4 247.5
248.6 254.6 229.7 264.8 240.4 271.6 246
245.9 270.3 278.9 252 241.7 261.6 253.9
278.6 263 288.6 294.6 280.5 256.8 233.1
270.9 242.7 266.1 250.6 281.6 254.4 241.9
248.2 271.4 254.9 235.3 272.3 269.5 257.5
296.8 270.6 266.6 263.6 243.6 251.9 278.3


Expert Solution

First we will find the mean and standard for given data

Create the following table.

data data-mean (data - mean)2
234.4 -23.8224 567.50674176
253.2 -5.0224 25.22450176
259 0.7776 0.60466176
253.9 -4.3224 18.68314176
209.6 -48.6224 2364.13778176
251.4 -6.8224 46.54514176
247.5 -10.7224 114.96986176
248.6 -9.6224 92.59058176
254.6 -3.6224 13.12178176
229.7 -28.5224 813.52730176
264.8 6.5776 43.26482176
240.4 -17.8224 317.63794176
271.6 13.3776 178.96018176
246 -12.2224 149.38706176
245.9 -12.3224 151.84154176
270.3 12.0776 145.86842176
278.9 20.6776 427.56314176
252 -6.2224 38.71826176
241.7 -16.5224 272.98970176
261.6 3.3776 11.40818176
253.9 -4.3224 18.68314176
278.6 20.3776 415.24658176
263 4.7776 22.82546176
288.6 30.3776 922.79858176
294.6 36.3776 1323.32978176
280.5 22.2776 496.29146176
256.8 -1.4224 2.02322176
233.1 -25.1224 631.13498176
270.9 12.6776 160.72154176
242.7 -15.5224 240.94490176
266.1 7.8776 62.05658176
250.6 -7.6224 58.10098176
281.6 23.3776 546.51218176
254.4 -3.8224 14.61074176
241.9 -16.3224 266.42074176
248.2 -10.0224 100.44850176
271.4 13.1776 173.64914176
254.9 -3.3224 11.03834176
235.3 -22.9224 525.43642176
272.3 14.0776 198.17882176
269.5 11.2776 127.18426176
257.5 -0.7224 0.52186176
296.8 38.5776 1488.23122176
270.6 12.3776 153.20498176
266.6 8.3776 70.18418176
263.6 5.3776 28.91858176
243.6 -14.6224 213.81458176
251.9 -6.3224 39.97274176
278.3 20.0776 403.11002176

Find the sum of numbers in the last column to get.

So standard deviation is

As sample size is more than 30, we assume that distribution is normal as per central limit theorem

Now we need to find

As distribution is normal we can convert x to z and using excel formula we get.

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