
In: Computer Science

I have the following python code. I get the following message when running it using a...

I have the following python code. I get the following message when running it using a test script which I cannot send here:

while textstring[iterator].isspace(): # loop until we get other than space character

IndexError: string index out of range. Please find out why and correct the code.

def createWords(textstrings):
        createdWords = [] # empty list
        for textstring in textstrings: # iterate through each string in trxtstrings
                iterator = 0
                begin = iterator # new begin variable
                while (iterator < len(textstring)): # iterate through each character in the string
                        finished = iterator # new finished character
                        while textstring[iterator].isspace(): # loop until we get other than space character
                                iterator = iterator+1
                                word = textstring[begin:finished+1].strip() #  extract the word from begin position to before the space character,
                                                                                                                        #  textstring[begin,finshed] ; strip() will remove white spaces at ends
                                if (word): # if word is not empty
                                        createdWords.append(word) # append new word to createWords
                                begin = iterator # update begin value with current iterator position
                        if (textstring[iterator]).isalpha():
                                if (textstring[iterator].isupper()): # if letter is in uppercase  change it to lower case by using letter.lower() method.
                                        textstring = textstring[:iterator] + textstring[iterator].lower() + textstring[iterator+1:]
                                print(textstring[iterator],"this a letter")
                        elif (textstring[iterator]).isdigit():
                                print(textstring[iterator],"is a digit")
                                print(textstring[iterator],"this a symbol")
                                word = textstring[begin:finished].strip()       #  extract the word from begin position to before the symbol character,
                                                                                                                        #  textstring[begin,finshed] ; strip() will remove white spaces at ends
                                createdWords.append(word) # append new word to createWords
                                begin = iterator  # update begin value with current iterator position
                        iterator= iterator+1 # increment iterator value
                word = textstring[begin:iterator].strip()  #  extract the word from begin position to the end of the string
                createdWords.append(word) # append new word to createWords
        return createdWords # return createWords


Expert Solution

I found below 2 solutions for this. Pick whichever solution works for you.


While calling the function createWords(textstrings), send a list of sentences like shown below



Remove the first for loop and change the variable name in createwords from "textstrings" to "textstring".

Below is the updated code


Code to copy:

def createWords(textstring):
        createdWords = [] # empty list
        #for textstring in textstrings: # iterate through each string in trxtstrings
        iterator = 0
        begin = iterator # new begin variable
        while (iterator < len(textstring)): # iterate through each character in the string
                finished = iterator # new finished character
                while textstring[iterator].isspace(): # loop until we get other than space character
                        iterator = iterator+1
                        word = textstring[begin:finished+1].strip() #  extract the word from begin position to before the space character,
                         #  textstring[begin,finshed] ; strip() will remove white spaces at ends
                        if (word): # if word is not empty
                                createdWords.append(word) # append new word to createWords
                        begin = iterator # update begin value with current iterator position
                if (textstring[iterator]).isalpha():
                        if (textstring[iterator].isupper()): # if letter is in uppercase  change it to lower case by using letter.lower() method.
                                textstring = textstring[:iterator] + textstring[iterator].lower() + textstring[iterator+1:]
                        print(textstring[iterator],"this a letter")
                elif (textstring[iterator]).isdigit():
                        print(textstring[iterator],"is a digit")
                        print(textstring[iterator],"this a symbol")
                        word = textstring[begin:finished].strip()       #  extract the word from begin position to before the symbol character,
                        #  textstring[begin,finshed] ; strip() will remove white spaces at ends
                        createdWords.append(word) # append new word to createWords
                        begin = iterator  # update begin value with current iterator position
                iterator= iterator+1 # increment iterator value
        word = textstring[begin:iterator].strip()  #  extract the word from begin position to the end of the string
        createdWords.append(word) # append new word to createWords
        return createdWords # return createWords

ret = createWords("HELLO, How are you")

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