In: Statistics and Probability
For expert using R
I try to solve this question((USING DATA FAITHFUL)) but each time I solve it, I have error , I try it many times. So,everything you write will be helpful..
Modify the EM-algorithm functions to work for a general K component Gaussian mixtures. Please use this function to fit a K= 1;2;3;4 modelto the old faithful data available in R (You need to initialize the EM-algorithm First ).
Which modelseems to t the data better? (Hint: use BIC to compare models.)
Here what I try to use
## EM algorithm for univariate normal mixture
# The E-step
E.step <- function(x, pi, Mu, S2){
K <- length(pi)
n <- length(x)
tau <- matrix(rep(NA, n * K), ncol = K)
for (i in 1:n){
for (k in 1:K){
tau[i,k] <- pi[k] * dnorm(x[i], Mu[k], sqrt(S2[k]))
tau[i,] <- tau[i,] / sum(tau[i,])
#The M-step
M.step <- function(x, tau){
n <- length(x)
K <- dim(tau)[2]
tau.sum <- apply(tau, 2, sum)
pi <- tau.sum / n
Mu <- t(tau) %*% x / tau.sum
S2[1] <- t(tau[,1]) %*% (x - Mu[1])^2 / tau.sum[1]
S2[2] <- t(tau[,2]) %*% (x - Mu[2])^2 / tau.sum[2]
return(list(pi = pi, Mu = Mu, S2 = S2))
## The log-likelihood function
logL <- function(x, pi, Mu, S2){
n <- length(x)
ll <- 0
for (i in 1:n){
ll <- ll + log(pi[1] * dnorm(x[i], Mu[1], sqrt(S2[1])) +
pi[2] * dnorm(x[i], Mu[2], sqrt(S2[2])))
## The algorithm
EM <- function(x, pi, Mu, S2, tol){
t <- 0
ll.old <- -Inf
ll <- logL(x, pi, Mu, S2)
t <- t + 1
if ((ll - ll.old) / abs(ll) < tol) break
ll.old <- ll
tau <- E.step(x, pi, Mu, S2)
M <- M.step(x, tau)
pi <- M$pi
Mu <- M$Mu
S2 <- M$S2
ll <- logL(x, M$pi, M$Mu, M$S2)
cat("Iteration", t, "logL =", ll, " ")
return(list(pi = M$pi, Mu = M$Mu, S2 = M$S2, tau = tau, logL = ll))
## generate data
pi <- c(0.3, 0.7)
Mu <- c(5, 10)
S2 <- c(1, 1)
n <- 1000
n1 <- rbinom(1, n, pi[1])
n2 <- n - n1
x1 <- rnorm(n1, Mu[1], sqrt(S2[1]))
x2 <- rnorm(n2, Mu[2], sqrt(S2[2]))
x <- c(x1, x2)
hist(x, freq = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 0.2))
# pick initial values
pi.init <- c(0.5, 0.5)
Mu.init <- c(3, 10)
S2.init <- c(0.4, 2)
#Run EM
A <- EM(x, pi.init, Mu.init, S2.init, tol = 10^-6)
t <- seq(0, 15, by = 0.01)
y <- pi[1] * dnorm(t, Mu[1], sqrt(S2[1])) +
pi[2] * dnorm(t, Mu[2], sqrt(S2[2]))
y.est <- A$pi[1] * dnorm(t, A$Mu[1], sqrt(A$S2[1])) +
A$pi[2] * dnorm(t, A$Mu[2], sqrt(A$S2[2]))
points(t, y, type = "l")
points(t, y.est, type = "l", col = 2, lty = 2)
# assign observations to components - clustering
d <- function(x) which(x == max(x))
apply(A$tau, 1, d)
apply(A$tau, 1, which.max)
# assess misclassification
table(apply(A$tau, 1, which.max), c(rep(1, n1), rep(2, n2)))
there is nothing wrong in your code. you just missed a space in the last line of the code.
table(apply(A $tau, 1, which.max), c(rep(1, n1), rep(2, n2)))
make sure that you use R programming version 3.5.1
the table obtained at the last
step is
1 | 2 | |
1 | 296 | 3 |
2 | 5 | 696 |
execute with this code
## EM algorithm for univariate normal mixture
# The E-step
E.step <- function(x, pi, Mu, S2){
K <- length(pi)
n <- length(x)
tau <- matrix(rep(NA, n * K), ncol = K)
for (i in 1:n){
for (k in 1:K){
tau[i,k] <- pi[k] * dnorm(x[i], Mu[k], sqrt(S2[k]))
tau[i,] <- tau[i,] / sum(tau[i,])
#The M-step
M.step <- function(x, tau){
n <- length(x)
K <- dim(tau)[2]
tau.sum <- apply(tau, 2, sum)
pi <- tau.sum / n
Mu <- t(tau) %*% x / tau.sum
S2[1] <- t(tau[,1]) %*% (x - Mu[1])^2 / tau.sum[1]
S2[2] <- t(tau[,2]) %*% (x - Mu[2])^2 / tau.sum[2]
return(list(pi = pi, Mu = Mu, S2 = S2))
## The log-likelihood function
logL <- function(x, pi, Mu, S2){
n <- length(x)
ll <- 0
for (i in 1:n){
ll <- ll + log(pi[1] * dnorm(x[i], Mu[1], sqrt(S2[1])) +
pi[2] * dnorm(x[i], Mu[2], sqrt(S2[2])))
## The algorithm
EM <- function(x, pi, Mu, S2, tol){
t <- 0
ll.old <- -Inf
ll <- logL(x, pi, Mu, S2)
t <- t + 1
if ((ll - ll.old) / abs(ll) < tol) break
ll.old <- ll
tau <- E.step(x, pi, Mu, S2)
M <- M.step(x, tau)
pi <- M$pi
Mu <- M$Mu
S2 <- M$S2
ll <- logL(x, M$pi, M$Mu, M$S2)
cat("Iteration", t, "logL =", ll, " ")
return(list(pi = M$pi, Mu = M$Mu, S2 = M$S2, tau = tau, logL = ll))
## generate data
pi <- c(0.3, 0.7)
Mu <- c(5, 10)
S2 <- c(1, 1)
n <- 1000
n1 <- rbinom(1, n, pi[1])
n2 <- n - n1
x1 <- rnorm(n1, Mu[1], sqrt(S2[1]))
x2 <- rnorm(n2, Mu[2], sqrt(S2[2]))
x <- c(x1, x2)
hist(x, freq = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 0.2))
# pick initial values
pi.init <- c(0.5, 0.5)
Mu.init <- c(3, 10)
S2.init <- c(0.4, 2)
#Run EM
A <- EM(x, pi.init, Mu.init, S2.init, tol = 10^-6)
t <- seq(0, 15, by = 0.01)
y <- pi[1] * dnorm(t, Mu[1], sqrt(S2[1])) +
pi[2] * dnorm(t, Mu[2], sqrt(S2[2]))
y.est <- A$pi[1] * dnorm(t, A$Mu[1], sqrt(A$S2[1])) +
A$pi[2] * dnorm(t, A$Mu[2], sqrt(A$S2[2]))
points(t, y, type = "l")
points(t, y.est, type = "l", col = 2, lty = 2)
# assign observations to components - clustering
d <- function(x) which(x == max(x))
apply(A$tau, 1, d)
apply(A$tau, 1, which.max)
# assess misclassification
table(apply(A $tau, 1, which.max), c(rep(1, n1), rep(2, n2)))