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Research can be classified into a number of different ways depending upon the purpose of the research, the data that is collected, and how such data is analysed.Discuss four main types of research.


Expert Solution

Exploratory research:- Exploratory research takes place where there is little or no prior knowledge of a phenomenon. Thus, there is a need for an initial exploration before more specific research can be undertaken. This type of research looks for clues about the phenomenon, attempts to gain some familiarity with the appropriate concepts and looks for patterns or ideas emerging from the data without any preconceived ideas or explanation.
For example, a researcher undertaking an investigation into the effects of the Internet on educational institutions may well be undertaking exploratory research, as there are unlikely to be any well-established theoretical models available.
Exploratory research is generally followed up by further research that tests any ideas or hypotheses generated.
Descriptive research:- Descriptive research describes a particular phenomenon, focusing upon the issue of what is happening, or how much of it has happened, rather than why it is happening. Thus, research to find out how many people attended, say, National holiday celebration, and whether more males than females attended, would be an example of descriptive research. There is no attempt to explain the results obtained, they are simply
Explanatory research:- This type of research is involved in explaining why something happens, and assessing causal relationships between variables. Thus, a researcher interested in why more males attended, say, national day celebration, would be undertaking explanatory research. Explanatory research requires some sort of theoretical framework so that explanation may be deduced from the data.

Predictive research:- Predictive research forecasts future phenomena, based on the interpretations suggested by explanatory research. Thus, the findings from the explanatory research cited above may be used to predict gender differences in attendance during the national celebration.

Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory and Predictive research

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