
In: Computer Science

Language: Python Implement the Book class as demonstrated below. You should not change the Book methods...

Language: Python

Implement the Book class as demonstrated below. You should not change the Book methods and implementation as provided. The docstrings in the template contain descriptions of each method.

>>> b=Book ( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001)

>>> b

Book ( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001)

>>> str (b)

' Code : Charles Ptzold: Computing: 2001 '

>>> b. getTitle ( )

' Code '

>>> b. getAuthor()

' Charles Ptzold'

>>> b. getPublicationYear( )


>>> b*10

[Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) , Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) ,Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) ,Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) ,Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) ,Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) ,Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) ,Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) ,Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001) ,Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001)]

>>> b2=Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2001)


>>> b3=Book( ' Code' , 'Charles Ptzold' 'Computing' , 2003)



import random

class Book(object):

    def __init__(self,title='',author='', genre='', yearOfPublication=0):



    def getTitle(self):

        'get book title'


    def getAuthor(self):

        'get book author'


    def getGenre(self):

        'get book genre'


    def getPublicationYear(self):

        'get publication year'


    def __mul__(self,count):

        'makes copies of the book and returns a list of all the copies'



    def __eq__(self,other):

        'Compares two books. returns True if all properites of a book are the same, False otherwise'



    def __str__(self):

        'string representation of Book'



    def __repr__(self):

        'python representation of Book'



Expert Solution

import random

class Book(object):
def __init__(self,title='',author='', genre='', yearOfPublication=0):
def getTitle(self):
'get book title'
return self.title

def getAuthor(self):
'get book author'

def getGenre(self):
'get book genre'
return self.genre

def getPublicationYear(self):
'get publication year'
return self.yearOfPublication
def __mul__(self,count):
'makes copies of the book and returns a list of all the copies'
for i in range(count):
return l
def __eq__(self,other):
'Compares two books. returns True if all properites of a book are the same, False otherwise'
return True
return False

def __str__(self):
'string representation of Book'
return self.title+" : "": "+self.genre+": "+str(self.yearOfPublication)

def __repr__(self):
'python representation of Book'
return "Book ( '" +self.title+"' , '""' '"+self.genre+"' , "+str(self.yearOfPublication)+")"


The screenshots are attached below for reference.

Please follow them for output and proper indentation.

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