In: Economics
Japan GDP and economic Indicators
Introduction: Japan is the free market economy which is the second largest economy of the world.Ity is highly effecient and competitive which is linked with the international trade. Japan is expected to host next olympic games 2021 now. Japans productivity is far low in some sectors like agriculture, distribution and services.There are different economic indicators which reflects free maker character of japanies economy.
Top Economic Indicators:
Real GDP: 4.7 lakhs crores USD
GDP per capita is 48920 USD
Gross Fixed CApital Formation 125604 JPY billon
Inflation Rate 0.5%
Empirical Methodology: Empirical studies on the relationship between publich and privates investment for GDP growth is important..This methods prove that there is a great relationship between piblich and private inestment .They make huge contribution to the growth of japanies economy.One point is clear that opening up of any economy makes the growth of any country importantly.As well economic welfare rises.Japan nineteenth century opening up of worlds econommies as a natural experiement. It proves that by how much japan's real income or per capita income rose due to these changes is an empirical evedences.
Japans economic State: Japan had been suffering tipid growth since 2008 economic crises.Shunjao abe promissed in 2012 to improve the economic condition of japan by introducing three components in the economy and they are monetary, fiscal and reducing regulations.However there wqas no major change in the economic condtion of japan even afater abe's stretegy.Even these reforms were considered as abenomics were not effective so far.GDp has not expanded as it was expected to be.Now current senrio of corona outbreak has definitly pose threat to economic situation more worsen.
Summery: By observing all these economic indicators it will well needed that these changes must be well informed to all sectorts of the economy than only the real change can take place.For example any news any articles, any analysis any price indicators, link to third party must be provided to all investors and general market .
Conclusion: Allin all economic reforms adopted by abe are not very effective what they were expected to be. There was a need of structural reforms rather than the tempporary reforms which takes place through fical and monetary pllicy. They are not enough to bring change in the economy. At the current senerio majority of the world's country suffering from economic crises and corona has further added in this JApan has to find other ways to slove this. Olympics games have already been postponed and there will be huge cost on japans economy. Japanies primeminister has raidsed the same question that who is going to bear this cost? The world is chaging so fast in many ways. It may in terms of living condtions or may be in terms of environmantal threat. Japan has to look after all these posibilites and challanges .