In: Finance
1-month European put option for Apple (AAPL) with a strike price of $235/share sells for $10/share when Apple stock trades at $225/share. Each contract is for 100 shares of Apple stock. Draw a diagram showing the payoff and profit for the investor under different stock prices at maturity. What is the profit break-even stock price for the investor? If Apple share prices at maturity ends up being $230/share how much profit/loss will the investor make/incur?
a. If Apple share price at maturity ends up being $230/share what is the payoff and profit for the long put buyer?
b. If Apple share price at maturity ends up being $230/share what is the payoff and profit for the short put seller?
c. What is the profit break-even stock price for the long short buyer?
d. Draw a diagram showing the payoff and profit for the investor under different stock prices at maturity.