
In: Computer Science

Please provide the missng code(parts) for the given code in java. ASAP. import java.util.Stack; class StackQueue<T>...

Please provide the missng code(parts) for the given code in java. ASAP.
import java.util.Stack;

class StackQueue<T> implements Queue<T>{
        private Stack<T> inStack;
        private Stack<T> outStack;
        private int size;

        public StackQueue(){
                inStack = new Stack<T> ();
                outStack = PART(a);
                size = 0;

        public int size(){
                return size;

        public boolean isEmpty(){
                return size==0;

        public T first(){
                if (size == 0) return null;;
                if (outStack.empty())
                        while (!inStack.empty())
                return PART(b); //return the element at the top of the outStack without removing it from the stack

        public void enqueue(T x){
                PART(c); //push x to inStack 

        public T dequeue(){
                if (size == 0) return PART(d);
                if (outStack.empty())
                        while (!inStack.empty())
                return PART(e); //Removes and returns the element at the top of the outStack

        public String toString(){
                Stack<T> temp = new Stack<>();
                String ans = "StackQueue: ";
                if (isEmpty()) return ans;;
                if (outStack.empty())
                        while (!inStack.empty())

                while (!outStack.empty()){
                        T x = outStack.pop();
                        ans += (x + " -> ");

                while (!inStack.empty())
                while (!outStack.empty()){
                        T x = outStack.pop();
                        ans += (x + " -> ");

                while (!temp.empty())

                return ans;

        public static void main(String[] args){
                StackQueue<Integer> q = new StackQueue<>();
                System.out.println("first element: " + q.first());
                System.out.println("first element: " + q.first());
                System.out.println("first element: " + q.first());


 * Interface for a queue: a collection of elements that are inserted
 * and removed according to the first-in first-out principle.
interface Queue<T> {

   * Inserts an element at the rear of the queue.
   * @param e  the element to be inserted
  void enqueue(T e);

   * Removes and returns the first element of the queue.
   * @return element removed (or null if empty)
  T dequeue();

   * Returns the number of elements in the queue.
   * @return number of elements in the queue
  int size();

   * Tests whether the queue is empty.
   * @return true if the queue is empty, false otherwise
  boolean isEmpty();

   * Returns, but does not remove, the first element of the queue.
   * @return the first element of the queue (or null if empty)
  T first();



Expert Solution

 * Interface for a queue: a collection of elements that are inserted
 * and removed according to the first-in first-out principle.
import java.util.*;
interface Queue<T> {

     * Inserts an element at the rear of the queue.
     * @param e  the element to be inserted
    void enqueue(T e);
     * Removes and returns the first element of the queue.
     * @return element removed (or null if empty)
    T dequeue();
     * Returns the number of elements in the queue.
     * @return number of elements in the queue
    int size();
     * Tests whether the queue is empty.
     * @return true if the queue is empty, false otherwise
    boolean isEmpty();
     * Returns, but does not remove, the first element of the queue.
     * @return the first element of the queue (or null if empty)
    T first();
  class StackQueue<T> implements Queue<T>{
    private Stack<T> inStack;
    private Stack<T> outStack;
    private int size;

    public StackQueue(){
            inStack = new Stack<T> ();
            outStack = inStack; //Set outStack as inStack at the time of construction
            size = 0;

    public int size(){
            return size;

    public boolean isEmpty(){
            return size==0;

    public T first(){
            if (size == 0) return null;// if size is 0 then stack is empty
            if (outStack.empty())
                    while (!inStack.empty())
            return outStack.peek(); //PART(b)  return the element at the top of the outStack without removing it from the stack
        //peek()function returns the top element without deleting it

    public void enqueue(T x){
           inStack.push(x); //PART(c) push x to inStack 
           //Inserting at the end of stack using push() function

    public T dequeue(){
            if (size == 0) return null;//PART(d)
            if (outStack.empty())
                    while (!inStack.empty())
            return outStack.pop(); //PART(e) Removes and returns the element at the top of the outStack

    public String toString(){
            Stack<T> temp = new Stack<>();
            String ans = "StackQueue: ";
            if (isEmpty()) return ans;;
            if (outStack.empty())
                    while (!inStack.empty())

            while (!outStack.empty()){
                    T x = outStack.pop();
                    ans += (x + " -> ");

            while (!inStack.empty())
            while (!outStack.empty()){
                    T x = outStack.pop();
                    ans += (x + " -> ");

            while (!temp.empty())

            return ans;

    public static void main(String[] args){
            StackQueue<Integer> q = new StackQueue<>();
            System.out.println("first element: " + q.first());
            System.out.println("first element: " + q.first());
            System.out.println("first element: " + q.first());


Sample Output

Missing parts

outStack = inStack; //part a

return outStack.peek(); //PART(b)  return the element at the top of the outStack without removing it from the stack

        //peek()function returns the top element without deleting it

inStack.push(x); //PART(c) push x to inStack

           //Inserting at the end of stack using push() function

if (size == 0) return null;//PART(d)

return outStack.pop(); //PART(e) Removes and returns the element at the top of the outStack

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