In: Chemistry
The lead nitrate test is generally used to find out whether Sulphur is presnt or not in the compuond (amino acids). Lead precipitates out as a black lead sulphide (Pbs) precipitate. The lead nitrate reacts with sulphur in egg albumin. The oxidatio state of Pb is +2.
NOTE: Lead nitrate is highly poisonous hence special care has to be taken for its handling.
Test: take NaOH solution in dry test tube.
NaOH has Na+ and OH- ions in the solution.
NaOH---------> Na+ + OH-
After the addition of egg albumin, the reaction becomes,
2Na+ + S----------> Na2S--------> 2Na+ + S2-
The Na+ reacts with the sulphur in egg albumin and we get Na2S (Sodium sulphide) which inturn breaks and forms Na+ ans S2- (sulphide).
Next, S2- reacts with Pb2+ from the lead nitrate and a black precipitate of PbS (lead sulphide) is obtained.
Reaction: S2- + Pb2+ --------> PbS
This confirms the presence of sulphur in egg allbumin. However, sulphur is not present in gelatin. Thus this reaction does not occur in gelatin and it shows a negative test for sulphur.