
In: Accounting

Let's consider a littering (or pollution) externality. Albert and Berta both have Cobb-Douglas utility uA=xA1xA2-2xB2 and...

Let's consider a littering (or pollution) externality. Albert and Berta both have Cobb-Douglas utility uA=xA1xA2-2xB2 and uB=xB1xB2-xA2. Good 2 is candy, where after each candy bar they absent-mindedly throw the rapper away in the middle of the beautiful street. Berta always forgets and so has a large externality on Albert, while Albert sometimes remembers so has a small externality on Berta. This effect is captured in their utility functions. If endowments are wA=(4,4) and wB=(10,2), find equilibrium price of good 2 (letting p1=1) and simplify to one decimal point.


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