
In: Computer Science

Do not use import java.util.Scanner; Working in the Financial Aid Office you have been asked to...

Do not use import java.util.Scanner;

Working in the Financial Aid Office you have been asked to create a program that calculates the amount of financial aid a family is eligible for, based on the number of dependents in the household. The business rules for determining eligibility are as follows:

  • If there are 2 dependents in the household the family is eligible for $1,500 per dependent
  • If there are 3 dependents in the household the family is eligible for $2,500 per dependent
  • If there are 4 dependents in the household the family is eligible for $3,000 per dependent
  • In all other situtations, the family is not eligible for any financial aid

You can use the following stub solution. Copy and paste this solution into your IDE. You should complete blocks 1 through 4.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class FinancialAid {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      final int NUM_MIN_DEPENDENTS = 0;
      final int NUM_MAX_DEPENDENTS = 9;
      /* #1: Create code that will call the method you created in #3 below to get the number of dependents,
       *     factoring in the minimum and maximum number of dependents allowed

      /* #2: Create code that will call the method you created in #4 below to calculate the amount of aid
       *     that will be earned based on the number of dependents gathered.

   /* #3: Create a method to get and return the number of dependents, factoring in
    *     the minimum and maximum number of dependents allowed

   /* #4: Create a method to calculate and return the amount of financial aid that will be earned
    *      based on the number of dependents gathered

   public static void printFinancialAid(double aid) {
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The amount of financial aid your family is eligible for is: $" + String.format("%.2f", aid));


Expert Solution


import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final int NUM_MIN_DEPENDENTS = 0;

        final int NUM_MAX_DEPENDENTS = 9;

        /** #1: Create code that will call the method you created in

         *  #3 below to get the number of dependents,

         *  factoring in the minimum and maximum number of dependents allowed

         * */

        int num = getNumberOfDependents();

        /* check enter number of dependents between 0-9*/

        while(num<NUM_MIN_DEPENDENTS || num>NUM_MAX_DEPENDENTS){

            // if num out range btween 0-9 then ask again

            num = getNumberOfDependents();


        /** #2: Create code that will call the method you created in #4 below to calculate the amount of aid

         *  that will be earned based on the number of dependents gathered.*/

        double aid = calculateAmount(num);



    /** #3: Create a method to get and return the number of dependents, factoring in

     * the minimum and maximum number of dependents allowed */

    public static int getNumberOfDependents() {

         // show the dialog box for input

         String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the number of dependents:");

         int num = Integer.parseInt(input);// convert string to int

         return num;


    /** #4: Create a method to calculate and return the amount of financial aid that will be earned

     * based on the number of dependents gathered */

    public static double calculateAmount(int num) {

        // Declare variable amount

        double amount = 0;

        // If there are 2 dependents in the household the family is eligible for $1,500 per dependent


            amount = num * 1500;

        //If there are 3 dependents in the household the family is eligible for $2,500 per dependent

        }else if(num==3){

            amount = num * 2500;

       //If there are 4 dependents in the household the family is eligible for $3,000 per dependent

        }else if(num==4){

            amount = num * 3000;

        // In all other situtations, the family is not eligible for any financial aid




        return amount;


   public static void printFinancialAid(double aid) {

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The amount of financial aid your family is eligible for is: $" + String.format("%.2f", aid));




NOTE: If you don't understand any step please let me know at once.

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