
In: Computer Science

Data Manipulation In this lab, you will be manipulating the database to add, delete and modify...

Data Manipulation

In this lab, you will be manipulating the database to add, delete and modify the values in the database. Please use a "select * from..." after each query to show the effects of your data manipulation query.

1. The title 'Time Flies' now has a new track, the 11th track 'Spring', which is 150 seconds long and has only a MP3 file. Insert the new track into Tracks table (Don’t hand-code any data for insert that can be looked up from the Titles table).

2. Create a new table called Members2 with the same fields as the Members table. (Use DESCRIBE to check if Members2 table is created).

3. Populate Members2 with the content of the Members table.

4. The area code for Columbus, Ohio has been changed from 277 to 899. Update the homephone and workphone numbers of all members in Members2 table accordingly.

5. Delete all members who work for the artist 'Sonata' from Members2 table.

The following are harder questions. They have to do with either multiple joins on tables, multi insert queries, or using the CASE keywords.

6. Members Doug Finney and Terry Irving are forming a new artist to be called "Doug and Terry." Add this record to the Artists table, using ArtistID 13, the address information of Doug Finney, no web address, today's entry date, and no lead source. Don’t hand-code any data for insert that can be looked up from the Members table.

7. Add the appropriate new records to the XrefArtistsMembers table for the artist "Doug and Terry". Doug is the responsible party. Don’t hand-code any data for insert that can be looked up from the Members table. (This will use the CASE keyword to get it to work. Go back to the Functions ppt to see an example of how CASE works)

DROP TABLES IF EXISTS Artists,Genre, Members, Titles, Tracks,SalesPeople,Studios,XrefArtistsMembers;
DROP TABLES IF EXISTS Authors,Publishers,Titles,Title_Authors,Royalties;
DROP TABLES IF EXISTS Products,Customers,Orders,Order_details;
DROP TABLES IF EXISTS Sailors,Boats,Reserves;

        ArtistID int, 
        ArtistName varchar (50) NOT NULL ,
        City varchar (25) NULL ,
        Region varchar (15) NULL ,
        Country varchar (20) NULL ,
        WebAddress varchar (40) NULL ,
        EntryDate date NULL ,
        LeadSource varchar (10) NULL 

Insert Into Artists Values(1,'The Neurotics','Peterson','NC','USA','','2003-05-14','Directmail');
Insert Into Artists Values(2,'Louis Holiday','Clinton','IL','USA' ,NULL,'2003-06-03','Directmail');
Insert Into Artists Values(3,'Word','Anderson','IN','USA',NULL,'2003-06-08','Email');
Insert Into Artists Values(5,'Sonata','Alexandria','VA','USA','','2003-06-08','Ad');
Insert Into Artists Values(10,'The Bullets','Alverez','TX','USA',NULL,'2003-08-10','Email');
Insert Into Artists Values(14,'Jose MacArthur','Santa Rosa','CA','USA','','2003-08-17','Ad');
Insert Into Artists Values(15,'Confused','Tybee Island','GA','USA',Null,'2003-09-14','Directmail');
Insert Into Artists Values(17,'The Kicks','New Rochelle','NY','USA',NULL,'2003-12-03','Ad');
Insert Into Artists Values(16,'Today','London','ONT','Canada','','2003-10-07','Email');
Insert Into Artists Values(18,'21 West Elm','Alamaba','VT','USA','','2003-02-05','Ad');
Insert Into Artists Values(11,'Highlander','Columbus','OH','USA',NULL,'2002-08-10','Email');

        Genre varchar (15)  

Insert into Genre Values('alternative');
Insert into Genre Values('classical');
Insert into Genre Values('jazz');
Insert into Genre Values('metal');
Insert into Genre Values('R&B');
Insert into Genre Values('rap');
Insert into Genre Values('pop');

        MemberID int ,
        FirstName varchar (25) NULL ,
        LastName varchar (25) NULL ,
        Address varchar (60) NULL ,
        City varchar (25) NULL ,
        Region varchar (15) NULL ,
        PostalCode varchar (10) NULL ,
        Country varchar (20) NULL ,
        HomePhone varchar (16) NULL ,
        WorkPhone varchar (16) NULL ,
        EMail varchar (40) NULL ,
        Gender char (1) NULL ,
        Birthday date NULL ,
        SalesID smallint NULL 

Insert Into Members Values(10,'Roberto','Alvarez','Rt 1','Anderson','IN','46019','USA','7651552983','7651628837','[email protected]','M','1968-01-18',2);
Insert Into Members Values(31,'Jose','MacArthur','51444 Vine','Santa Rosa','CA','99999','USA','6331289393',Null,'[email protected]','M','1978-06-24',1);
Insert Into Members Values(13,'Mary','Chrisman','1772 East 117th','Fishers','IN','46123','USA','3171820387',Null,'[email protected]','F','1973-03-01',1);
Insert Into Members Values(15,'Warren','Boyer','167 Alamo Dr','Alverez','TX','75601','USA','8221722883',Null,'[email protected]','M','1969-04-19',2);
Insert Into Members Values(32,'Doug','Finney','2020 Dubois','Savannah','GA','30003','USA','9821222929',Null,'[email protected]','M','1963-08-04',3);
Insert Into Members Values(19,'Terry','Irving','18a 7th St','Tybee Island','GA','30004','USA','5411252093',Null,Null,'M','1959-06-22',3);
Insert Into Members Values(21,'Michelle','Henderson','201 Bonaventure','Savannah','GA','30005','USA','8221928273',Null,Null,'F','1964-03-15',2);
Insert Into Members Values(34,'William','Morrow','PO Box 1882','New Rochelle','NY','10014','USA','9981722928',Null,'[email protected]','M','1965-03-17',2);
Insert Into Members Values(29,'Frank','Payne','5412 Clinton','New Rochelle','NY','10014','USA','9981737464',Null,Null,'M','1960-01-17',1);
Insert Into Members Values(35,'Aiden','Franks','167 East 38th','Alverez','TX','75601','USA','8321729283','8321723833','[email protected]','M','1983-09-02',2);
Insert Into Members Values(3,'Bryce','Sanders','PO Box 1292','Peterson','NC','27104','USA','6441824283',Null,'[email protected]','M','1966-06-11',2);
Insert Into Members Values(14,'Carol','Wanner','787 Airport Rd','Alverez','TX','75601','USA','6831223944',Null,Null,'F','1978-11-08',3);
Insert Into Members Values(33,'Brian','Ranier','23 Gregory Lane','London','ONT','M6Y 2Y7 ','Canada','6231842933',Null,Null,'M','1957-10-19',3);
Insert Into Members Values(7,'Marcellin','Lambert','142 Sample Rd','Alexandria','VA','20102','USA','8331929302',Null,'[email protected]','M','1959-11-14',3);
Insert Into Members Values(8,'Caroline','Kale','1515 Stone Church Rd','Allen','VA','20321','USA','7321223742',Null,Null,'F','1956-05-30',3);
Insert Into Members Values(9,'Kerry','Fernandez','15 Midway','Lynchberg','VA','21223','USA','2211229384','2211223939',Null,'M','1962-01-16',1);
Insert Into Members Values(26,'Tony','Wong','115 Maple St','McKensie','ONT','M8H 3T1','Canada','3311692832','3311692822','[email protected]','M','1955-11-01',2);
Insert Into Members Values(18,'Bonnie','Taft','RR4','Alamaba','VT','05303','USA','3721223292',Null,'[email protected]','F','1960-09-21',1);
Insert Into Members Values(20,'Louis','Holiday','15 Davis Ct','Clinton','IL','63882','USA','1451223838',Null,Null,'M','1969-07-27',2);
Insert Into Members Values(22,'Bobby','Crum','RR2','Pine','VT','05412','USA','1831828211',Null,Null,'M','1965-06-10',3);
Insert Into Members Values(28,'Vic','Cleaver','100 Maple','Reston','VT','05544','USA','8111839292',Null,Null,'M','1957-02-10',2);
Insert Into Members Values(30,'Roberto','Goe','14 Gray Rd','Columbus','OH','48110','USA','2771123943',Null,Null,'M','1967-09-12',1);
Insert Into Members Values(36,'Davis','Goodman','2020 Country Rd','Columbus','OH','48318','USA','2771152882','2771128833','[email protected]','M','1980-10-27',2);

CREATE TABLE SalesPeople (
        SalesID smallint ,
        FirstName varchar (20) NOT NULL ,
        LastName varchar (20) NOT NULL ,
        Initials varchar (3) NULL ,
        Base decimal(5,2) NULL,
        Supervisor smallint NUll

Insert into SalesPeople Values(1,'Bob','Bentley','bbb',100,4);
Insert into SalesPeople Values(2,'Lisa','Williams','lmw',300,4);
Insert into SalesPeople Values(3,'Clint','Sanchez','cls',100,1);
Insert into SalesPeople Values(4,'Scott','Bull','sjb',Null, Null);      

        StudioID int,
        StudioName varchar (40) NULL ,
        Address varchar (60) NULL ,
        City varchar (25) NULL ,
        Region varchar (15) NULL ,
        PostalCode varchar (10) NULL ,
        Country varchar (20) NULL ,
        WebAddress varchar (40) NULL ,
        Contact varchar (50) NULL ,
        EMail varchar (40) NULL ,
        Phone varchar (16) NULL ,
        SalesID smallint NULL 

Insert Into Studios Values(1,'MakeTrax','3000 S St Rd 9','Anderson','IN','46012','USA','','Gardner Roberts','[email protected]','7651223000',3);
Insert Into Studios Values(2,'Lone Star Recording','PO Box 221','Davis','TX','76382','USA','','Manuel Austin','[email protected]','8821993748',2);
Insert Into Studios Values(3,'Pacific Rim','681 PCH','Santa Theresa','CA','99320','USA','','Harry Lee','[email protected]','3811110033',2);

        TitleID int ,
        ArtistID int NULL ,
        Title varchar (50) NULL ,
        StudioID int NULL ,
        UPC varchar (13) NULL ,
        Genre varchar (15) NULL 

Insert Into Titles Values(1,1,'Meet the Neurotics',1,'2727366627','alternative');
Insert Into Titles Values(3,15,'Smell the Glove',2,'1283772282','metal');
Insert Into Titles Values(4,10,'Time Flies',3,'1882344222','alternative');
Insert Into Titles Values(5,1,'Neurotic Sequel',1,'2828830202','alternative');
Insert Into Titles Values(6,5,'Sonatas',2,'3999320021','classical');
Insert Into Titles Values(7,2,'Louis at the Keys',3,'3838227111','jazz');

        TitleID int NOT NULL ,
        TrackNum smallint NOT NULL ,
        TrackTitle varchar (50) NULL ,
        LengthSeconds smallint NULL ,
        MP3 smallint NULL ,
        RealAud smallint NULL 

Insert Into Tracks Values(1,1,'Hottie',233,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(1,2,'Goodtime March',293,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(1,3,'TV Day',305,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(1,4,'Call Me an Idiot',315,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(1,5,'25',402,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(1,6,'Palm',322,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(1,7,'Front Door',192,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(1,8,'Where''s the Rain',175,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,1,'Fat Cheeks',352,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,2,'Rocky and Natasha',283,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,3,'Dweeb',273,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,4,'Funky Town',252,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,5,'Shoes',182,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,6,'Time In - In Time',129,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,7,'Wooden Man',314,0,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,8,'UPS',97,0,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,9,'Empty',182,0,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(3,10,'Burrito',65,0,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,1,'Bob''s Dream',185,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,2,'My Wizard',233,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,3,'Third''s Folly',352,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,4,'Leather',185,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,5,'Hot Cars Cool Nights',192,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,6,'Music in You',204,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,7,'Don''t Care About Time',221,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,8,'Kiss',218,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,9,'Pizza Box',183,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(4,10,'Goodbye',240,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,1,'Song 1',285,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,2,'Song 2',272,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,3,'Song 3',299,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,4,'Song 4',201,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,5,'Song 5',198,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,6,'Song 6',254,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,7,'Song 7',303,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,8,'Song 8',230,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(5,9,'Song 8 and 1/2',45,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(6,1,'Violin Sonata No. 1 in D Major',511,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(6,2,'Violin Sonata No. 2 in A Major',438,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(6,3,'Violin Sonata No. 4 in E Minor',821,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(6,4,'Piano Sonata No. 1',493,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(6,5,'Clarinet Sonata in E Flat',399,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(7,1,'I Don''t Know',201,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(7,2,'What''s the Day',332,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(7,3,'Sirius',287,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(7,4,'Hamburger Blues',292,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(7,5,'Road Trip',314,1,0);
Insert Into Tracks Values(7,6,'Meeting You',321,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(7,7,'Improv 34',441,1,1);
Insert Into Tracks Values(7,8,'Hey',288,1,1);

CREATE TABLE XrefArtistsMembers (
        MemberID int NOT NULL ,
        ArtistID int NOT NULL ,
        RespParty smallint NOT NULL 

Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(20,2,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(31,14,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(3,1,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(10,3,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(13,3,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(7,5,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(8,5,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(9,5,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(32,15,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(19,15,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(21,15,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(34,17,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(29,17,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(15,10,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(35,10,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(14,10,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(33,16,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(26,16,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(18,18,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(28,18,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(22,18,0);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(30,11,1);
Insert into XrefArtistsMembers Values(36,11,0);

show tables;


Expert Solution

1. The title 'Time Flies' now has a new track, the 11th track 'Spring', which is 150 seconds long and has only a MP3 file. Insert the new track into Tracks table (Don’t hand-code any data for insert that can be looked up from the Titles table).

insert into tracks values
((select TitleID from titles where Title='Time Flies'),11,'Spring',150,1,0);


2. Create a new table called Members2 with the same fields as the Members table. (Use DESCRIBE to check if Members2 table is created).

create table Members2 as select * from members;
describe Members2;


3. Populate Members2 with the content of the Members table:

insert into members2 (select * from members);

selecting data from members2 table :

select * from members2;

screen showing some of the records from members2 table :


4. The area code for Columbus, Ohio has been changed from 277 to 899. Update the homephone and workphone numbers of all members in Members2 table accordingly.

update members2 set
workphone=concat('899',substring(workphone,4)) where city='Columbus' and Region='OH';

Screen showing records for member2 table where city is columbus :


5. Delete all members who work for the artist 'Sonata' from Members2 table :
delete from members2 where memberID in
(Select memberID from XrefArtistsMembers where artistID=
(select artistID from artists where ArtistName like 'Sonata'));

Explanation :

  • After executing this delete statement six records will be deleted from members2 table.

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