3. Let S3 act on the set A={(i,j) : 1≤i,j≤3} by σ((i, j)) =
(σ(i), σ(j)).
(a) Describe the orbits of this action.
(b) Show this is a faithful action, i.e. that the permutation
represen- tation φ:S3 →SA =S9
(c) For each σ ∈ S3, find the cycle decomposition of φ(σ) in
def longest(string):
while i<len(string):
while j<len(string) and string[j]>string[j-1]:
if end-start<j-i:
#update if current string has greater length than
#max start and end
for i in string[start:end]:
print('The longest string in ascending order is',string[start:end])
print('Teh average is',avg/(end-start))
s=input('Enter a string')
i need a definition and explanation of this code that how it
6.1.5. Problem. Let J be the open unit interval (0, 1). For
each a let Ua = ?a, a + 1 ?, and let
U = {Ua : 0 ≤ a ≤ 34 }. Then certainly U covers J .
(a) Find a finite subfamily of U which covers J.
(b) Explain why a solution to (a) does not suffice to show
that J is compact.
(c) Show that J is not compact.
The Chinese Remainder Theorem for Rings.
Let R be a ring and I and J be ideals in R such that I + J = R.
(a) Show that for any r and s in R, the system of equations x ≡ r
(mod I) x ≡ s (mod J) has a solution. (b) In addition, prove that
any two solutions of the system are congruent modulo I ∩J. (c) Let
I and J be ideals in a ring R...