Push-ups are an effective excersise that uses your own body
wieght to target serval key muscle groups and effectively build
strength and muscle mass whne performed in a proper form.
Push ups are of diffrent variations to target different muscle
Two mucles are form the pecs - the pectoralis major spans from
the shoulder to the middle of the chest, and the pectoralis minor
is on the outer edge of the chest, just behind the peactoralis
1)Standard Push (shoulder width pushup)
- This is the most common type of push up.
- In this pushup pectoralis major and the triceps brachii are
mainy worked.
- It also activates the stabilizing muscles such as-biceps,rectus
abdominus, obliques,quadriceps, erector spinae.
2)Wide-Grip Push up (placing hands wider than the
- When compared to standard pushup this wide grip push is found
be giving a less mucle activation in the pectoralis major and
triceps branchii.
- But in wide grip push up there is a 20% more activation of
biceps than in a standard push up.
- This has a lesser activation of pectoralis minor than standard
push up.
3)Close-Grip Push ups
- Close grip push ups gives a 10% greater pectoralis major and
15% greater triceps branchii activation than a standard push
- This close grip push ups can give a more activation to the
pectoralis minor(a smaller muscle deeper inside the chest than the
pectoralis major) and infraspinus mucle( a major muscle of the
rotator cuff)
- This push is the most effective and safest pushup.
- This push up is good for building pectoralis minor than a
standard push up.
There is also low pushup( keeping the hands lower to the frame
of the body) and high push up (keeping the hnds above the frame of
the body).
- In low push up there is less triceps activation and more
pectoralis major activation.
- In high push up the triceps and pectoralis are activated more
than a standard pushup.
4)Inclined pushups(the upper body is
- It activates the lower chest and back muscles more.
- In this excersice the pectoralis minor is more activated .
- This pushup is easier than a regular pushup and is mainlydone
for beginners and a higher rep range can be acheived.
5)Declined pushups (the lower body is
- It activates the upper chest muscles and front shoulder muscles
- In this excersise the pectoralis major is more activated.
- This push up targets the upper chest and fronts of shoulder
more aggressively than a regular push-up.
- The higher your feet are the harder the decline push up and
this is due to the reqirement of a much more shoulder