
In: Operations Management

The company’s mission and strategic business units can serve as tools that guide the formulation and...

The company’s mission and strategic business units can serve as tools that guide the formulation and evaluation of the business strategy and include expectations, plans, performance standards and objectives. The reality is that most missions have little practical applicability because they lack uniqueness not much different from one firm to another and contain the same promises. Select a company of your choice in Ghana and find the company’s mission statement. How well is this statement understood among employees and customers? Evaluate the mission statement above with respect to purpose, products or services, philosophy, technology, business and values.


Expert Solution


Nestle Ghana's mission statement is

"“to be the leading nutrition, health, and wellness company in Ghana"

Nestle Ghana is a subsidiary of Swiss multinational Nestle. Their tagline is "good food , good life". Their mission as articulated above is to provide the most nutritious, tasty and healthy food worldwide. Nestle has successfully imbibed this philosopher amongst its employees. The culture of sourcing the best ingredients and maintaining the highest standards of quality in all its products is possible because the employees identify with this mission statement.

Customers in Ghana and worldwide trust this brand to feed children the best nutritious food. This trust has been built over long period of time and now Nestle is synonymous with trust and best quality product.

The purpose of this mission statement is to articulate the highest standards of quality, nutrition and health considerations in the company. Nestle food brands like Maggi, cerelac are used by most households with complete quality assurance. This mission statement is articulating that clearly to both employees and customers. Nestle stands for enhancing the quality of life and building a healthier future. Nestle has built strong corporate values of highest quality, healthiest food and sustainability in all its activities.

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