
In: Statistics and Probability

Suppose that someone claims that the average number of siblings per person is 2. Use our...

Suppose that someone claims that the average number of siblings per person is 2. Use our survey data to test this claim. Use the p-value method. Assume 0.05 for the level of significance. Construct an appropriate confidence interval to see if the two methods produce the same conclusion.

1) Write the claim mathematically and identify H0andHa

2) Determine whether the hypothesis test is a one-tailed or a two-tailed test and whether to use a z-test, a t-test or a chi-square test. Explain your reasoning.

3) Find the test statistic and the p-value

4) Decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

5) Construct the appropriate confidence interval

6) Interpret the decision in the context of the original claim.

Student Number of Siblings
1 6
2 3
3 2
4 2
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
10 4
11 6
12 1
13 7
14 2
15 1
16 0
17 2
18 2
19 6
20 1
21 1
22 2
23 2
24 2
25 2
26 2
27 2
28 1
29 1
30 1
31 3
32 3
33 2
34 1
35 5
36 3
37 2
38 5
39 1
40 0
41 0
42 1
43 1
44 1



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