
In: Biology

Determine True or False for the following statement   1. Archaea and cyanobacteria have DNA in their...

Determine True or False for the following statement  

1. Archaea and cyanobacteria have DNA in their nuclei that directs protein synthesis.

  1. If you see a phylogenetic tree that illustrates adaptive radiation, it is reasonable to hypothesize that you might also see multiple lineages that went extinct just prior to the adaptive radiation event.

  2. Mature vessel and sieve tube cells in a plant's transport tissue have DNA in their nuclei that directs protein synthesis.

  3. The diverse, non-monophyletic group that we call "Protists" includes multicellular species.


Expert Solution

1. False

Archaea and cyanobacteriao are single-celled microorganisms. They are prokaryotes i.e no cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles in their cells. Their cell walls are made up of long chains of sugar linked by amino acids. Both bacteria and archaea have nuclear material inside the cytoplasm. They do not have complex, membrane-bound organelles in their cytoplasm and composed of condensed DNA molecules. The DNA molecules perform all genetics and hereditycharacters of the cell and can codes for all proteins. Archaea and Cyanobacteria do not undergo mitosis. So, the chromosome is replicated and because of the growth of the cell the two copies are separated from one another.

Mature vessel and sieve tube cells in a plant's transport tissue have DNA in their nuclei that directs protein synthesis. False

These cells are conducting cells in phloem. The function of Phloem is to transports organic compounds made during photosynthesis. Sieve cells are specialized cells in the phloem tissue of flowering plants. They can also transport sugars in distances by acting itself as a channel. These sieve elements made elongate cells containing sieve areas on their walls. Cytoplasmic connections i.s transporting of photosynthetic material and other organic molecules takes place through the pores present in seive areas. They normally lack a nucleus and contain very less ribosomes.

The diverse, non-monophyletic group that we call "Protists" includes multicellular species. True

Generally Protists are single-celled eukaryotes but not all protists are single-celled. Some protists are multi-cellular. They can live both in aquatic and terrestrial environments, and have many different niches. one of the example is Kelps. Protists are symbiotic with other organisms and these relationships are often species specific. They can well adapt with the diversity of the hosts.

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