
In: Biology

You are trying to calculate the map distances between three genes in Dragonflies. The gene extrawings...

You are trying to calculate the map distances between three genes in Dragonflies. The gene extrawings (ex) produces an extra pair of wings and is recessive to the wild-type four wings (ex+). The gene eyeless (ey) causes the eyes not to form properly and is recessive to the wild-type normal eyes (ey+). The gene blue (b) causes the body to be a neon blue color and is recessive to the wild-type black (b+). A heterozygous dragonfly is crossed to a tester male and the following progeny are obtained: 321 with extra wings and no eyes, 284 with blue bodies, 72 with extra wings, 69 with blue bodies and no eyes, 27 with extra wings and blue bodies, 21 with no eyes, and 4 wild-type.

What is the distance in cM between extrawings and eyeless? (Please answer to two decimal places)

What is the interference?


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