In: Biology
How do National Parks in the United States, Australia and New Zealand differ from eachother in the 19th century?
Yellowstone,an area atop a volcanic hotspot is the first national park among the world situated in US.The establishment of Yellostone National Park in 1872 spread a new concept across the world but at the same time each countries put thier own efforts and culture in making or establishing national parks. According to thomas Dunalp,"everywhere local culture was as important as foreign example”.The establishment of Yellowstone as a national park was the result of a group of people who visited the place actually as a trip and later they decided to make this entire area into national park rather than individually buying the"plots"and making profit from it.From there, after 18 years, the Yellowstone national park was established.
Yellowstone was a name rather than a model,for the duplication of this "national park"concept.The diffusion of this concept among US, NewZealand and Australia was easy because of the commanality in their economic,cultural,social and political conditions at that time.each federal government in NewZealand and US and each reginal government in Australia created national parks while Australian national parks were more urban.By and large,these earlier parks have common charaters like they were created to prevent natural source from over exploitation by private sectors,to provide tourism and recreational opportunities for middle class. But, apart from this,Australian natinal parks was different because they were an amlgum of earlier urban park and new national park ideals.The US and NewZealand national parks were more anthropocentric.