In: Computer Science
Complete exercises 5.A. As part of your assignment, provide a response IN YOUR OWN WORDS to the following questions.
Which of the following rules are syntactically invalid in propositional definitive clause logic, and why? (Assignment part A)
bikeCrashed ← cycledDrunk
goByBus ∨ goByCar ← bikeBroke
goByBus ← ¬haveGas ∨ bikeBroke
In propositional definite clause logic (PDCL),
What is an atom? Give the definition and an example from a domain of your choice. (Assignment part B)
What is a body? Give the definition and an example from a domain of your choice. (Assignment part C)
What is a definite clause? Give the definition and an example from a domain of your choice. (Assignment part D)
What is a knowledge base? Give the definition and an example with four clauses from a domain of your choice. (Assignment part E)
What is an interpretation of a knowledge base KB? Give the definition and an example for your KB. (Assignment part F)
What is a model of a knowledge base KB? Give the definition and an example for your KB. (Assignment part G)
For each part of the assignment (A-G) rate the completeness on a scale of 1 – 5 where one indicates that the question was either not answered or the answer did not respond to the question to 5 where there was a complete response to the question.
PART A) bikeCrashed<- Cycleddrunk
The rules bikecrashed<- Cycleddrunk is correct rule as it is of the form a<-b where a is the atom and b is the body. The atom is starting with small letter b as bikecrashed so this rule is syntactically valid.
2)gobyBus v gobycar <- bikebroke
The clause a<-b is valid if the head of clause a is atom and b is body but here the head of clause is body b (gobyBus v gobycar) so this rule is invalid in propositional definitive clause logic.
3)goby bus<-~havegas v bikebroke
The atom a=gobybus. and body =~havegas V bikebroke
The above clause is sytactically invalid because clause body
cannot be connected by V(union) and (~) operations. It
can only be connected by
PART B) An atom is the symbol which starts with lowercase letters for example bird_eats_fruit ,apple_is_red these all are symbols which start with lowercase letters.
PART C) A body is an atom or of the form
where B1 and B2 represents the bodies. For example:
bird_eats_apple is a body, student_are_happy
are examples of body.
PART D) A definite clause is a rule of the form
h<-b where h is the atom and b is the body For example:
student_is_succesful <- student_work_hardstudent_is_motivated
neha_sleeps_in_room <- night_time
PART E) knowledge base is a set of definite clauses. knowledge base store information in form of rules and clauses. Example of knowledge base which contain four clauses are-
student_are_succesful <- student_study_hard
PART F) The interpretation of the knowledge base is done by assigning the truth value to each atoms in every clauses.The values of atoms can be true or false. The interpretation of above knowledge base is
student_are_ happy =false
PART G) The model of knowledge base is the interpretation in which all clauses are true .The model of above knowledge base contains all those clauses in which truth value is true.