a) Policies that IMF suggest for developing countries in case of
balance of payments problems:
- Poverty reductiona nd growth facility
- Monetary policy instrument
- Banking system supervision
- Foreign management and operation
- Clearing settlement system for payments
b)Main criticism towards IMF policies are:
- The IMF has been criticised for imposing policy with little or
no consultation with the affected countries that shows lack of
transparency and involvement.
- There is also criticism of neo-liberal policies such as
privatisation, arguably these free market policies were not
suitable for the situation of the country.
- The economist joseph stiglitz has criticised the more
monetarist approach of the IMF in recent years. He argues it is
failing to take the best policy to improve the welfare of
developing countries
- There is also a criticism that bailing out countries with large
debt creates moral hazards because of the possibility of getting
bailed out , it encourages countries to borrow more.
c) IMF role in turkey balance of payment crisis 2001
- The international monetary fund (IMF)team in 1996 warned of an
impending financial crisis because of the deficit which soon came
into being by turkey's unstable political landscape led many
foreign investors to divest from the country.
- In november 2000, the IMF provided Turkey with $11.4 billion in
loans and Turkey sold many of its state owned industries in an
effort to balance the budget but the loan seems to be
Policies suggested by the stand by agreement with IMF
- Quantitative conditions: Member countries' progress is
monitored using quantitative program targets , fund disbursement
are conditional on the observance of quantitative performance
criteria unless the executive board decides to waive them.
- Structural benchmark: following the elimination of structural
performace criteria , progress in implementing structural measures
that are critical to achieving the objectives of the program is
assessed in a holistic way, including via benchmark
- Repayment: Repayment of borrowed resources under the SBA are
due within
years of disbursement which means each disbursement is repaid in
eight equal quartely installment beginning
years after the date of disbursement.