
In: Statistics and Probability

Despite the growth in digital entertainment, the nation’s 400 amusement parks have managed to hold on...

Despite the growth in digital entertainment, the nation’s 400 amusement parks have managed to hold on to visitors. A manager collects data on the number of visitors (in millions) to amusement parks in the United States. A portion of the data is shown in the accompanying table.

Year Visitors
2000 329
2001 319
2007 333

SOURCE: International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.
Click here for the Excel Data File

Year Visitors
2000 329
2001 319
2002 308
2003 302
2004 308
2005 319
2006 357
2007 333

a. Estimate the linear trend model to make forecasts for 2008. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)


b. Estimate the exponential trend model to make forecasts for 2008. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)



Expert Solution


x y (x-x̅)² (y-ȳ)² (x-x̅)(y-ȳ)
1 329 12.25 50.77 -24.94
2 319 6.25 8.27 7.19
3 308 2.25 192.52 20.81
4 302 0.25 395.02 9.94
5 308 0.25 192.52 -6.94
6 319 2.25 8.27 -4.31
7 357 6.25 1233.77 87.81
8 333 12.25 123.77 38.94
ΣX ΣY Σ(x-x̅)² Σ(y-ȳ)² Σ(x-x̅)(y-ȳ)
total sum 36 2575 42 2204.9 128.50
mean 4.50 321.88 SSxx SSyy SSxy

sample size ,   n =   8          
here, x̅ = Σx / n=   4.50   ,     ȳ = Σy/n =   321.88  
SSxx =    Σ(x-x̅)² =    42.0000          
SSxy=   Σ(x-x̅)(y-ȳ) =   128.5          
estimated slope , ß1 = SSxy/SSxx =   128.5   /   42.000   =   3.0595
intercept,   ß0 = y̅-ß1* x̄ =   308.1071          
so, regression line is   Ŷ =   308.1071   +   3.0595   *x

Predicted Y at X=   9   is                  
Ŷ =   308.10714   +   3.059524   *   9   =   335.64
forecasts for 2008 = 335.64



exponential trend model to make forecasts for 2008 = 335.04

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