
In: Computer Science

Python This week you will write a program in Python that mimics an online shopping cart...


This week you will write a program in Python that mimics an online shopping cart . You will use all the programming techniques we have learned thus far this semester, including if statements, loops, lists and functions. It should include all of the following:

The basics - Add items to a cart until the user says "done" and then print out a list of items in the cart and a total price.

- Ensure the user types in numbers for quantities
- "Hardcode" the price of items into a list and pick from it randomly for each item
- Get the user's name and shipping address
- Separate functions that compute tax and shipping costs and returns their values to the main program


Expert Solution

Here is the code :

import random
def store():
    return items

def printCart(cart,name,address,tax,shippingCost):  #all details of cart is printed
    print('----------Your Cart---------')
    for item in cart:
        print('Item name : {}\nQuantity : {}\nPrice : {}'.format(item[0],item[1],item[2]))
    print('Name : {}\nAddress : {}\nTax:{}\nShipping Cost : {}'.format(name,address,tax,shippingCost))
    print('\nTotal Price : {}'.format(total+tax+shippingCost)) 

def computeTax(cart):
    for item in cart:
        tax=tax+item[2]*5/100 #5% per item price
    return tax

def genShippingCost(address):
    r=random.randint(0,l) #we randomly generate a number by the length of the string address and return a reasonable value as shipping cost
    return r/l*100

def main():
    print("Our Store :")
    print(store()) #The store function defined above contains the item and its price which is called directly inside print function
    print("Enter the item and quantity\nEx:- 'apple 2'\nEnter 'done' to finish\n")
    while True:
        if inp=="done": #when user enters done we take the name , address as input and compute tax, shipping cost and finnaly display the cart by calling the print cart function
            print('---------Shipping Details----------\nEnter Name :')
            print('Enter address : ')
            break #when user enters done and the calculations and printing is over we get out of the loop thus ending the program
        inp=inp.split(' ')
        try: #we try fetching the price of the item from the store, if the item is not present in store then an error occurs
        except: #if any error occur in the above try block then the below line is executed
            print("The item is not in our store")


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