- Category 1:
- Qualifications
- No physical examination or health questions
- Guaranteed acceptance for all applicants
- Free, no-obligation examination period
- Category 2:
- Costs
- Convenient payment—billed quarterly
- Individual coverage is $17.85 per quarter
- Family coverage is $26.85 per quarter
- Amounts to just pennies a day
- No individual rate increases
- Category 3:
- Benefits
- Hospitalization
- Benefit is $100 a day
- Paid when hospitalization is the result of a motor vehicle or a
common carrier accident
- Cash paid in addition to any other insurance carried
- Accidental death on common carrier
- Benefit is $100,000
- Paid in event of accidental death while riding as a fare-paying
passenger on public transportation, including buses, trains, jets,
ships, trolleys, subways, or any other common carriers
- Accidental death in motor vehicle accident
- Benefit is $20,000
- Paid in event of accidental death occurring while driving or
riding in or on an automobile, truck, camper, motor home, or
non-motorized bicycle
This grouping has been done considering the basics of insurance
which mainly covers:
- Qualification for taking the insurance and other health
check-ups for checking eligibility.
- The insurance premium or cost which are based on various
factors, like: age, health conditions etc.
- The benefits of taking insurance, like: death benefits,
reimbursements to cover cost of medical care etc.
We have taken into consideration, the broad gambit and have
grouped them in that manner.