1)What do you think was more important for manufacturing growth
in the United States in the early period: supply or demand factors,
or a mix of both?
2)Should U.S. public policy aim to raise population growth
(through either a higher birth rate or increased immigration) back
to the high population growth rates seen earlier in U.S. history?
Why or why not?
3)Do you think the Homestead Act was optimal as formulated? Or
should it have been expanded or shrunk or...
There are many controversies in the real life about the
hypothesis testing. What do you think are the potential reasons for
that? Can we find and share any example of misleading results of
the hypothesis testing?
A. Do you think the enthalpy of a methane combustion is more or
less negative than the enthalpy of a reaction for methanol
combustion? Why?
B. Do you think the enthalpy of an ethanol combustion is more or
less negative than the enthalpy of a reaction for a methanol
combution? Why?
What is the purpose of hypothesis testing? Do you see any relevance
to hypothesis testing in your daily life? This could be school
life, personal life, or work life. Start with work life and give us
a description of 2-3 scenarios where hypothesis testing may be
I am in direct sales - I run my own activewear clothing
boutique. I am a full time student, a mother of 3 boys under 7 yo
and military vet/wife.
What is the purpose of hypothesis testing? Do you see any
relevance to hypothesis testing in your daily life? This could be
school life, personal life, or work life. Start with work life and
give us a description of 2–3 scenarios where hypothesis testing may
be beneficial for decision-making.
Which type of intermediary do you think is most important today
as compared to a less technology savvy time in business? Why? Give
an example of the value this intermediary brings to society.
Do you think, overall, that countries in the world are becoming
more democratic, or less democratic, in nature? Why? Also, are
there any places in the world, today, where “pure”, “free market”
capitalism exists? If so, what is it about these locations that
permit this ideological approach to thrive? (minimum of 300 words
and in full sentences).
What is a hypothesis? Why do you think hypotheses are
important? Where would you find a hypothesis?
What are the two types of research hypotheses? How are they
different? How would you determine which type you are testing? What
is meant by “one-tailed” and “two-tailed” tests? Give an example of
a research question for each.