
In: Accounting

Exercise 9-7 Sarasota Company follows the practice of pricing its inventory at the lower-of-cost-or-market, on an...

Exercise 9-7

Sarasota Company follows the practice of pricing its inventory at the lower-of-cost-or-market, on an individual-item basis.

Item No. Quantity Cost per Unit Cost to Replace Estimated Selling Price Cost of Completion and Disposal Normal Profit
1320 1,500 $3.39 $3.18 $4.77 $0.37 $1.33
1333 1,200 2.86 2.44 3.71 0.53 0.53
1426 1,100 4.77 3.92 5.3 0.42 1.06
1437 1,300 3.82 3.29 3.39 0.27 0.95
1510 1,000 2.39 2.12 3.45 0.85 0.64
1522 800 3.18 2.86 4.03 0.42 0.53
1573 3,300 1.91 1.7 2.65 0.8 0.53
1626 1,300 4.98 5.51 6.36 0.53


From the information above, determine the amount of Sarasota Company inventory.

The amount of Sarasota Company’s inventory


Expert Solution

**If current replacement cost is between Ceiling(NRV) and floor value(NRV-normal profit) ,Market value = current replacement cost

**If current replacement cost is Higher than Ceiling ,Market value = Ceiling value(NRV)

**If current replacement cost is lower than floor value ,Market value = Floor value (NRV -normal profit)

Item NRV (Selling price - cost of disposal) [Ceiling value] Current replacement cost Floor value = NRV-normal profit Market Cost Lower of cost or market (A) units (B) Total cost of inventory (A*B)
1320 4.40 3.18 3.07 3.18 3.39 3.18 1500 4,770.00
1333 3.18 2.44 2.65 2.65 2.86 2.65 1200 3,180.00
1426 4.88 3.92 3.82 3.92 4.77 3.92 1100 4,312.00
1437 3.12 3.29 2.17 3.12 3.82 3.12 1300 4,056.00
1510 2.60 2.12 1.96 2.12 2.39 2.12 1000 2,120.00
1522 3.61 2.86 3.08 3.08 3.18 3.08 800 2,464.00
1573 1.85 1.7 1.32 1.7 1.91 1.7 3300 5,610.00
1626 5.83 5.51 4.77 5.51 4.98 4.98 1300 6,474.00
Total 32,986.00

Calculations and formuals are shown in the table below:

Item NRV (Selling price - cost of disposal) [Ceiling value] Current replacement cost Floor value = NRV-normal profit Market Cost Lower of cost or market (A) units (B) Total cost of inventory (A*B)
1320 =4.77-0.37 3.18 =B2-1.33 3.18 =3.39 =MIN(E2,F2) 1500 =G2*H2
1333 =3.71-0.53 2.44 =B3-0.53 =D3 2.86 =MIN(E3,F3) 1200 =G3*H3
1426 =5.3-0.42 3.92 =B4-1.06 3.92 4.77 =MIN(E4,F4) 1100 =G4*H4
1437 =3.39-0.27 3.29 =B5-0.95 3.12 3.82 =MIN(E5,F5) 1300 =G5*H5
1510 =3.45-0.85 2.12 =B6-0.64 2.12 2.39 =MIN(E6,F6) 1000 =G6*H6
1522 =4.03-0.42 2.86 =B7-0.53 =D7 3.18 =MIN(E7,F7) 800 =G7*H7
1573 =2.65-0.8 1.7 =B8-0.53 1.7 1.91 =MIN(E8,F8) 3300 =G8*H8
1626 =6.36-0.53 5.51 =B9-1.06 5.51 4.98 =MIN(E9,F9) 1300 =G9*H9
Total =SUM(I2:I9)

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