
In: Computer Science

14. How many times does "#" print? for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {...

14. How many times does "#" print?

for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)

cout << "#";


Expert Solution

answer) 7 times # is printed

here i loop runs 10 times.

-->when i=0

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is not satisfied so we are not entered into if cout<<'#' is printed

-->when i=1

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is not satisfied so we are not entered into if cout<<'#' is printed

-->when i=2

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is satisfied so we are directly go to for loop again with out printing #

-->when i=3

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is not satisfied so we are not entered into if cout<<'#' is printed


-->when i=4

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is satisfied so we are directly go to for loop again with out printing #

-->when i=5

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is not satisfied so we are not entered into if cout<<'#' is printed


-->when i=6

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is satisfied so we are directly go to for loop again with out printing #

-->when i=7

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is not satisfied so we are not entered into if cout<<'#' is printed

-->when i=8

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is not satisfied so we are not entered into if cout<<'#' is printed

-->when i=9

if(i == 2 || i==4 || i==6)




this if condition is not satisfied so we are not entered into if cout<<'#' is printed

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