
In: Statistics and Probability

Is there a main effect of product weight on consumers attitude towards the product (at a...

Is there a main effect of product weight on consumers attitude towards the product (at a significance level of .05)

Select one:

a. yes, product weight has a significant main effect

b. no, product weight does not have a significant effect

c. Not enough information to reach a conclusion

Before finalizing the design of a keyboard, an electronics company decided to conduct an experiment to see the effect of two design choices (backlight: red vs. blue; product weight: heavy vs. light) on customers' attitude towards the product (measured on a scale of 1 to 7). Run the appropriate statistical test and at .05 level identify whether these design choices have an effect on consumers' attitude towards the product. Identify if there is a significant interaction effect (at .05 level).

blue red
heavy 1 7
7 7
5 6
5 7
5 7
1 7
3 7
7 6
3 7
7 6
2 7
3 4
1 6
7 6
7 7
4 7
5 5
5 6
4 5
5 6
light 7 6
7 7
5 4
7 6
5 7
5 6
5 3
4 4
6 3
7 4
5 6
6 3
6 7
5 7
6 4
5 6
5 7
7 5
5 7
4 4


Expert Solution


Option b ie No, product weight does not have a significant effect

Null and Alternative Hypothesis:

We will have three hypotheses:


H0: µHeavy = µLight

H1: Not all Means are equal


H0: µBlue = µRed

H1: Not all Means are equal


H0: An interaction is absent

H1: Interaction is present

Alpha = 0.05

Degress of Freedom:

DfWeight(A) = a-1 = 2-1 = 1

DfColour (B) = b-1 = 2-1 = 1

df Weight * Colour (A*B) = (a-1) * (b-1) = 1*1 = 1

df error = N – ab = 80 – 2*2 = 76

df total= N – 1 = 80 – 1 = 79

Decision Rule (3):

We have three hypotheses, so we have three decision rules:

Critical Values:

Weight (dfWeight(A), df error): (1,76) = 3.97

Colour (dfColour (B),df error): (1,76) = 3.97

Interaction (df Weight * Colour (A*B), df error) : (1,76) = 3.97

[Weight] If F is greater than 3.97, reject the null hypothesis

[Colour] If F is greater than 3.97, reject the null hypothesis

[Interaction] If F is greater than 3.97, reject the null hypothesis

Test Statistics:

SSWeight = ∑(∑ai)2/b*n - T2/N = 0.31

SSColour = ∑(∑bi)2/a*n - T2/N = 13.61

SSWeight*Colour = ∑(∑ai * bi)2/n - ∑(∑ai)2/b*n - ∑(∑bi)2/a*n + T2/N = 25.31

SSTotal = ∑(Y)2 - T2/N = 198.99

SSError = SSTotal - SSWeight - SSColour - SSWeight*Colour = 159.75

MS = SS/df


F = MSeffect / MSerror


FWeight = 0.31/2.10 = 0.15

FColour = 13.61/2.10 = 6.48

FInteraction = 25.31/2.10 = 12.04

Source of Variation




























[Weight] If F is greater than 3.97, reject the null hypothesis

Our F = 0.31, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

[Colour] If F is greater than 3.97, reject the null hypothesis

Our F = 13.61, we reject the null hypothesis.

[Interaction] If F is greater than 3.97, reject the null hypothesis

Our F = 25.31, we reject the null hypothesis.

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