
In: Statistics and Probability

1. You are the foreman of the Bar-S cattle ranch in Colorado. A neighboring ranch has...

1. You are the foreman of the Bar-S cattle ranch in Colorado. A neighboring ranch has calves for sale, and you are going to buy some calves to add to the Bar-S herd. How much should a healthy calf weigh? Let x be the age of the calf (in weeks), and let y be the weight of the calf (in kilograms).

x 1 5 11 16 26 36
y 39 47 73 100 150 200

Complete parts (a) through (e), given

  • Σx = 95,
  • Σy = 609,
  • Σx2 = 2375,
  • Σy2 = 81,559,
  • Σx y = 13,777, and
  • r ≈ 0.997.

(a) Make a scatter diagram of the data. (Select the correct graph.)

(b) Verify the given sums Σx, Σy, Σx2, Σy2, Σx y, and the value of the sample correlation coefficient r. (For each answer, enter a number. Round your value for r to three decimal places.)

Σx = ____

Σy = ____

Σx2 = _____

Σy2 = _____

Σx y = _____

r = _____

(c) Find , and . Then find the equation of the least-squares line  = a + b x. (For each answer, enter a number. Round your answers for  and  to two decimal places. Round your answers for a and b to three decimal places.)

= x bar =

= y bar =

= value of a coefficient value of b coefficient


Graph the least-squares line. Be sure to plot the point (, ) as a point on the line. (Select the correct graph.)

(e) Find the value of the coefficient of determination r2. What percentage of the variation in y can be explained by the corresponding variation in x and the least-squares line? What percentage is unexplained? (For each answer, enter a number. Round your answer for r2 to three decimal places. Round your answers for the percentages to one decimal place.)

r2 =_____

explained = ____%

unexplained = _____ %

(f) The calves you want to buy are 11 weeks old. What does the least-squares line predict for a healthy weight (in kg)? (Enter a number. Round your answer to two decimal places.)
=______ kg


Expert Solution

1 39 39 1 1521
5 47 235 25 2209
11 73 803 121 5329
16 100 1600 256 10000
26 150 3900 676 22500
36 200 7200 1296 40000
Ʃx = 95
Ʃy = 609
Ʃxy = 13777
Ʃx² = 2375
Ʃy² = 81559
Sample size, n = 6
x̅ = Ʃx/n = 95/6 = 15.83333333
y̅ = Ʃy/n = 609/6 = 101.5
SSxx = Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n = 2375 - (95)²/6 = 870.8333333
SSyy = Ʃy² - (Ʃy)²/n = 81559 - (609)²/6 = 19745.5
SSxy = Ʃxy - (Ʃx)(Ʃy)/n = 13777 - (95)(609)/6 = 4134.5

a) Scatter plot:


Ʃx =    95

Ʃy =    609

Ʃx² =    2375

Ʃy² =    81559

Ʃxy =    13777

Correlation coefficient, r = SSxy/√(SSxx*SSyy) = 4134.5/√(870.83333*19745.5) =    0.997


x̅ = Ʃx/n = 95/6 =    15.8333

y̅ = Ʃy/n = 609/6 =    101.5

Slope, b = SSxy/SSxx = 4134.5/870.83333 =    4.747751

y-intercept, a = y̅ -b* x̅ = 101.5 - (4.74775)*15.83333 =    26.32727

Regression equation :   

ŷ = 26.327 + (4.748) x  



Coefficient of determination, r² = (SSxy)²/(SSxx*SSyy) = (4134.5)²/(870.83333*19745.5) = 0.994

Explained =    99.4%

Unexplained =    0.6%


Predicted value of y at x =    11

ŷ = 26.3273 + (4.7478) * 11 = 78.55

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