
In: Mechanical Engineering

% Consider the following system of equations: % -2a +5b + c + 3d + 4e...

% Consider the following system of equations:
% -2a +5b + c + 3d + 4e - f = 0
% 2a - b - 5c - 2d + 6e + 4f = 1
% -a + 6b - 4c - 5d + 3e - f = -6
% 4a + 3b - 6c - 5d - 2e - 2f = 10
% -3a + 6b + 4c + 2d - 6e + 4f = -6
% 2a + 4b + 4c + 4d + 5e - 4f = -2

% a)
% Define a symbolic variable for each of the equation and use symbolic
% capability to solve for each unknown. Convert your results to doubles.

% Answer

% b)
% Compare the amount of time it takes to solve the system of equations
% using left division and symbolic math by using the tic and toc function.

% Answer


Expert Solution

a) Matlab Code:

syms a b c d e f

sol = solve(A*B==D,a,b,c,d,e,f);
double B;
timerVal = toc


b) above image shows

time taken for a) is 0.4679 sec,

using left division  method:

Matlab Code:


double X;
X = A\D
timerVal = toc


Time for left division is very small compared to first part

time = 5.8415e-04 sec,

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