
In: Statistics and Probability

You are the foreman of the Bar-S cattle ranch in Colorado. A neighboring ranch has calves...

You are the foreman of the Bar-S cattle ranch in Colorado. A neighboring ranch has calves for sale, and you are going to buy some calves to add to the Bar-S herd. How much should a healthy calf weigh? Let x be the age of the calf (in weeks), and let y be the weight of the calf (in kilograms). x 1 5 11 16 26 36 y 39 47 73 100 150 200 Complete parts (a) through (e), given Σx = 95, Σy = 609, Σx2 = 2375, Σy2 = 81,559, Σx y = 13,777, and r ≈ 0.997.

Verify the given sums Σx, Σy, Σx2, Σy2, Σx y, and the value of the sample correlation coefficient r. (For each answer, enter a number. Round your value for r to three decimal places.)

Σx =

Σy =

Σx2 =

Σy2 =

Σx y =

r =


Find , and . Then find the equation of the least-squares line  = a + b x. (For each answer, enter a number. Round your answers for  and  to two decimal places. Round your answers for a and b to three decimal places.)

= x bar =

= y bar =

= value of a coefficient + value of b coefficient x

Find the value of the coefficient of determination r2. What percentage of the variation in y can be explained by the corresponding variation in x and the least-squares line? What percentage is unexplained? (For each answer, enter a number. Round your answer for r2 to three decimal places. Round your answers for the percentages to one decimal place.)

r2 =

explained =  %

unexplained =  %


The calves you want to buy are 16 weeks old. What does the least-squares line predict for a healthy weight (in kg)? (Enter a number. Round your answer to two decimal places.)


Expert Solution

n= 6.0000
X̅=ΣX/n 15.8333
Y̅=ΣY/n 101.5000
sx=(√(Σx2-(Σx)2/n)/(n-1))= 13.1972
sy=(√(Σy2-(Σy)2/n)/(n-1))= 62.8419
Cov=sxy=(ΣXY-(ΣXΣY)/n)/(n-1)= 826.9000
r=Cov/(Sx*Sy)= 0.997
slope= β̂1 =r*Sy/Sx= 4.7478
intercept= β̂0 ='y̅-β1x̅= 26.3273


ΣX = 95.000
ΣY= 609.000
ΣX2 = 2375.000
ΣY2 = 81559.000
ΣXY = 13777.000
r = 0.997


X̅=ΣX/n = 15.83
Y̅=ΣY/n = 101.50
ŷ = 26.327+4.748x


coeff of determination r2 = 0.994
explained = 99.4%
unexplained= 0.6%


predicted val=26.33+16*4.75= 102.29

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