Framework which can be used is as follows:-
1) environmental action programmes:-
- To set goals for environmental policy.
- Building a number of strategic initiatives
- Setting up of objectives for the programme
2) horizontal strategies:-
- Promotion of growth and jobs
- Constant improvement of quality of life
- Environmental protection and cohesion
3)impact assessment:-
- Environmental considerations are integrated at the planning
- Consequences taken into account before a program is
- It gaurantess 3 rights:- 1) right to justice 2)right to make
decisions 3) right the environmental information
4) cooperation:-
- International environmental negotiation
- It includes nature protection and biodiversity,climate change,
convention on international trade in endangered species etc
5) implementation, enforcement and monitoring:-
- Many decisions and regulations are in force in this field
- Implementation at national ,regional and local level
- Enforcement in areas where application is deficient
- Monitoring is crucial for the state of the environment and the
level of implementation of laws